✴︎ reasons to lose weight
1. you’ll be less confident with how you look, you’ll always find things to criticize
2. you won’t be able to sleep because when you’re starving your body wants you to be up looking for food, lack of sleep is a symptom that was observed in starvation studies
3. clothes wont fit you, you’ll have to use pins and clips for everything and everything will look weird and ill fitting
4. ull put urself at risk of so many health complications, you’ll think about the possibility of faiting regularly when you go out because you’re malnourished
5. less energy, youll dread walking and moving around and climbing up the stairs will be hard
6. lets be real, you’ll look horrible because you dont have energy so people wont even take pictures of you
7. no one cares about whose skinnier and fatter, if they ever thought abt it they’ll just have it as a passing thought
8. diet food is expensive, you’ll waste so much fucking money on food for no reason
9. you wont have energy or the motivation to do anything, you’ll lose interest and your mental health will worsen
10. you’ll hate shopping because nothing fits
11. people will just think there’s something wrong with you
12. dry skin, a sunkin face and looking dead and pale
13. you wont have energy to go out to the beach to show off your body
14. good luck finding the energy to workout lol
this is ed twt stop being dumb, these threads r harmful n don’t pretend like any of the things were doing r okay, this is harmful
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