MFW i tweet/retweet stuff about COVID literally every day in hopes to spread awareness/be serious but the minute I actually bring those beliefs to Smash NOW y'all got a problem with it?

If me being a dick is a bigger no-no to you than not taking COVID seriously, you got it.
I've spoken calmly about COVID dozens of times. I've spoken less calmly about COVID dozens of times more. I've talked to friends, i've stayed inside for MONTHS IN AN AREA WITH 0 COVID CASES. My fiancee, brother, and father are high-risk individuals. I'm playing it extra cautious
Multiple friends' parents have died. Their lives are shattered. And there are hundreds of thousands more just like that.

Personally? Ive been stuck in Canada because COVID shut down the canadian embassies for Kokiri's visa. Paying rent for 8 months in a house I don't live in
So yeah. I'm fucking pissed. I'm furious that dozens if not hundreds of smashers are going to locals. Gabe is just the first one I saw.

How do you expect me to have respect/speak calmly to someone who doesn't have a basic respect of other lives? Because that's what going out is.
PLUS COVID disproportionately affects poor people and black people, and in an age where the US Gov isn't sending more support to people and BLM is still fighting PEOPLE NEED TO ACTUALLY STAY INSIDE TO HELP SAVE THOSE COMMUNITIES/PEOPLE. FOR THE PEOPLE THAT LITERALLY CAN'T.
Also it's not virtue signalling if I've been talking about it for months LMAO
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