1) Starmer withdrew the whip from Corbyn claiming that the disciplinary process itself was broken: "The disciplinary process does not have the confidence of the Jewish community. That became clear once again yesterday." We need not wait for Conference to endorse this ad hoc -->
2) revision to the Rulebook which overturns the NEC disciplinary panel decision to reinstate. By "Jewish community" Starmer means the BOD and JLM - I doubt he could tell a bund from a bicycle. So the Conservative BOD now dictates constitutional changes to Labour. But -->
3) the underlying issue is, thanks to Starmer's contempt for the EHRC's findings and his own party's constitution, coming into clearer focus. Today's development is no surprise. Quite the opposite, it epitomises the last 5 years of Labour disruption. The membership broadly -->
4) want socialist policies and leadership. Sitting MPs (the PLP) broadly want nothing of the sort. Considering voting records, it seems that they want an easy life led by a chap they trust not to rock the boat, like Starmer. Considering internal leaks and public statements -->
5) they will go to any lengths to get it, including sabotaging their own party's chance of electoral success. They are not socialists. Historically, they were complacent and ran down Labour's support in the North and Scotland. They regard ordinary members as a source of -->
6) campaign doorsteppers, not policy. This fundamental schism erupts in various symptoms including AS allegations. But it makes little difference. There will be no unity because there is nothing left with which to compromise. Today proves that. The membership cannot support -->
7) the PLP because it does not stand for anything. Its behaviour is indecent and dishonourable, to say nothing of illegal. The idea of capaigning for people driven by little more than hate and deceit is too appalling to contempate. So what now?
I see two possibilities. Both -->
8) involve demolishing part of the traditional party:
In one, there's another leadership contest and Corbyn (or equivalent) wins (third time's the charm) followed by the PLP purge he's always been accused of planning. The PLP leaves en masse to start another party. -->
9) In the other, the membership leaves en masse to start another party. This is unlikely to succeed. It's like a divorce where mum and the kids lose the family home. Offshoots like this have a history of lacklustre performance. -->
10) The two routes aren't mutually exclusive. The 1st is near-term and better for continuity. The 2nd is longer term but probably more stable since it moves fracture lines outside party boundaries. But we need to recognise after 5 years that Labour as it is, is a basket case -->.
11) There is no way to reconcile expressed opinions because they are masks, disguises rather than honest beliefs. Who, for example, actually believes that Corbyn is antisemitic? But pro-Palestinian, yes. So resolution requires action to reveal truth before reconciliation.
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