CW: Suicide, Transphobia.

Please do not read unless you have a stoic disposition.

This thread starts on 4chan in 2014, and explains how the worst internet trolls from 4chan, organized and persuaded rad-fems and cis women to do their dirty work.

Cw: Suicide/transphobia.

This is an opening post on a thread from 4chan.

These goals listed below are not 'gender-critical', they are not 'pro-women'.

They are vile, abusive, malignant, insidious, sub-human raw-hatred.

It suggests a campaign.


'Create fake trans accounts and troll cis women.'

The vast majority of accounts that transphobes and gendercrits collect of abusive trans people are mostly anonymous.
The worst abuses are always anonymous trans people nobody has heard of.
CW: Suicide.

Clarification that the people who organised to attack feminists and cis-women during gamergate, and took joy in suicide....are the same people designing a template for those people to blindly attack trans women.


Look at this.....I can't tell you how many times I have seen women using this exact playbook.

The cult-script we see daily from gendercrits is just disseminated from trolls and abusers of cis women.

Cw: Suicide

Yes, we've all seen this before too.

Its frightening how quick some people were ready to jump into a full-time pursuit of being puppets for misogynistic toxic blokes.

The backdrop is, in 2014 the same people were attacking feminists/cis women in the gaming industry for 'stepping out of their lane' in one of the most virulently misogynistic and abusive attacks on women of the digital age, Gamergate.
All this playing out now, is the sequel.

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