Ok, since Rob let the cat out of the bag on my “I think we may have supporters back in on Boxing Day” comment during one of our conversations, let me explain:
I give it, at best, a 50/50 shot. And I’m not arguing we should - I’m agnostic on this subject. This isn’t my country, and we are the new dudes in the league. I just want to know the rules.
First off, it’s Boxing Day. The history of this special day just gives me HOPE; as does the intention behind the holiday.
Football Clubs have plans in place that take Social Distancing into account. We are the most heavily regulated & have the most oversight of any public activity in the UK. We have worked with the local authorities to develop plans that will make it as safe as possible.
We need our supporters. The business needs them. The players need them. Football is nothing without supporters. Believe me, live football is not fun right now.
We will ask our supporters to take an additional step:
If you are in a high risk group, you should not come to Adams Park for matches.
Clearly, if I step foot out of my door right now there is an elevated risk & the data seems to point at several factors that heighten that risk. EVERYONE needs to realise that risk exists & factor it into a personal decision making based on their very individual circumstances.
During my entire career I have been a Policy Wonk/Venture Capitalist who has specialised in statistically analysing supporting data for proposed legislation and how it will affect markets. Believe me, I’ve studied the politics and statistics of this virus & how it relates to WWFC
To put it bluntly, the input (historical and projected data + Noise) has put politicians in a bit of a pickle. And they seem to be making decisions based on noise rather than good data.
Because a. there wasn’t much historical data at first & b. the projections were all over the place; I actually have a lot sympathy for those leading the charge.
But, now, we are at an inflection point. There’s a vaccine on the horizon and current data is starting to refine projected data. However it’s happening, the Excess Mortality Rate curve is not exploding.
And the details behind the Excess Mortality Rate are highly enlightening and extremely complicated.

I don’t envy anyone having to make decisions right now. It will take a lot of courage to alter the course even slightly.
Our supporters want/need to attend football matches. And there are ways to get it right now where everyone is as safe as possible. I know I have enjoyed watching all of the matches on TV. They have been the bright spots of every day during lockdown.
To be honest, I actually prefer watching matches on TV vs attending in person at a Behind Closed Doors match. I feel guilty, sad & angry when I’m at one. But also hopeful because I believe it will soon be the day when supporters are allowed back into the grounds.
I do know there will be a day in the future that will be one of the best football days ever. Two or three of them actually.
The first one back, even with limited crowds, is going to be so so so so good. And then there’s gonna be second great day when we get Away Days back. And finally hopefully a third one where we get to hug some stranger next to us after one of our boys scores an early goal.
Are we gonna be back Boxing Day? Maybe but probably not. I hope it is, but it’s ok if it isn’t. I do have belief it will happen soon.
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