croatia is open. no lockdowns, no curfews, no mask laws.


life there is normal. people are trying to claim this is causing a covid spike. it's not.

they look, gasp, just like every other country around them most of whom are locked down, masked, etc.

NPI's do nothing.
that graph gets a little cluttered, so here is croatia w/ just the 4 countries with which it actual shares a border.

serbia looks to be a bit behind temporally and bosnia esp bad, but the clustering of hungary and slovenia (locked down, masked) and croatia (open) is striking.
there is no argument here that there is meaningful NPI driven divergence or, really, any divergence at all.

if anything, it's the neighbors swamping croatia/making it worse.

here's the traffic jam of slovenians fleeing to croatia.
and you can see why.
this is all known and knowable. none of this ridiculous epidemiological LARP that has cost $10 trillion globally has done anything except inflict harm.

all the longstanding guidelines told us not to do it.

we just chose to ignore them.
2020 has been the year we abandoned science for superstition and progress for propaganda to take the lives, livelihoods, and mental and physical health of 6 billion people on an insane, authoritarian joy ride

it did not stop covid. same curves all over
all cause deaths were normal in sweden just as in norway.
(and isn't it fun watching academia catch up to where internet cats were 5 months ago.)

@HaraldofW has lots of great, up to date data on this.

it looks much the same.
there is even a strong argument that hard first lockdowns cause worse second waves by inhibiting the early formation of low risk community immunity.

this has been the most expensive purchase of non-wartime self harm since mao and stalin.
and it was and is totally avoidable

wake up and realize that this massive over-testing is both stupid (it's not epidemiological data, it's gibberish) and harmful.

it's projecting the shadow of a chipmunk onto the wall and making it look like a dragon
in our pants wetting panic we've grabbed onto a boat anchor to try to stop ourselves from drowning.

it's killing us. literally.

the good news is all we have to do it let go of it and we'll float back up.

stop being brave, you'll stop being free.

that's how it works.
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