Educators of color are not exempt from being culturally responsive to our Black students. Anti-blackness and adultification of black children in education happens among educators of color and can cause irreparable damage. #antiracistsc
Specifically, Black boys in an elementary school in a virtual setting should be excited about school rather than feeling anxiety about being scrutinized for every mistake or getting accused for things they did not do and not receiving due process. #antiracistsc
Many black boys are assumed guilty before innocent in the education system. Instead of asking “what caused this situation?”, it is assumed that they are being disrespectful or defiant and automatically. #antiracist
Many of our students in virtual environments are trying to adjust and do their best. If they seem disengaged, educators should try to understand the cause of the disengagement as opposed to assuming they don’t want to learn. Especially, Black boys. #antiracistsc
Moreover, it is helpful to view black boys from a strengths based perspective rather than a deficit lens. They are young, Black, and gifted. It is up to us to tap into their brilliance with the skills and resources we have. Practice empathy. #antiracistsc
This message is brought to you by a professor who trains school counselors to be anti-black, anti-racist, culturally responsive, and empathic for our children. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk! And yes, my research revolves around Black boys and men. #antiracistsc
Correction: I train pre-service school counselors to address anti-blackness! #antiracistsc
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