"So if you actually want to close racial gaps by raising the minimum wage, expanding union membership, expanding Medicaid, and reducing student debt, the last thing you want to do is to sell people on the idea that this is really all about race." 1/ https://twitter.com/mattyglesias/status/1328858104000344066
I imagine this is a wildly unpopular opinion in my circles but I think it's worth consodering. Politically, if the point is persuasion (of more ppl to agree with policies we want to see advanced) and achieving the outcome of more equity...maybe we need to talk less about race? 2/
This runs counter to what I and most other #publichealth and liberal folks have been doing. It feels wrong to not explicitly call out what we know is at the root of so much inequity in this country. 3/
But ironically, what if this is what would get us to the more equitable outcomes we seek more quickly and sustainably (by actually broadening the coalition in support of these policies, vs ramming things through when Dems are in power - if that - and seeing it reversed later) 4/4
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