So uh again, where are the big left orgs.? Why aren’t people mobilizing to demand Graham resign? To demand Trump concede? To demand fb and twitter delete his accounts? Ignoring this all doesn’t make it go away and normalizes fascism more.
Cc @IndivisibleTeam @MoveOn @sunrisemvmt @WorkingFamilies @Mvmnt4BlkLives @womensmarch I am genuinely scared and confused by the left ignoring all of this. Why are we allowing further erosion of democracy? Why aren’t demands being made of senate republicans? Of social media?
Biden and most senate democrats are pretending it’s all not happening. That doesn’t make what trump is doing less damaging. He succeeds even if he leaves office— as long as he keeps radicalizing people via his unchecked platforms. Why aren’t these orgs even trying?
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