So many people often talk about the toxic fanbase of the popular K Pop band BTS . And Yes I admit that the fanbase of BTS is often Toxic . But that isn't restricted to BTS . Almost all KPop bands have a very toxic fanbase . They might be like troll, abusive etc..etc..
The fanbases are soo toxic that they always try to take down the other idols whom they don't like. It is like very common in Korea. Korean youth are usually highly busy with a lot of academic and work related schedules. They spend more than 12 hrs in schools . Very pressurized
to compete to one another . But whenever they get time the only thing which gives relief is K Pop songs. They get obsessed with it soo much that they can even will to die for that. This extreme obsession often makes them toxic .
Most of the times they don't want their fav Idol to date another person also. There is a K drama called HER PRIVATE LIFE which has shown how much obsessed some people will be for their fav idol and how much toxic fanbases will be.
So that might be somewhat influenced to even World wide fans including in India. There are even decent fans also . So the point is those K pop bands will not be bad , only their fanbases are .
Its very difficult for those K pop bands to become so popular in a too much Competitive country like Korea . Its only possible because of their talent and handwork.
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