Hey. PhD student studying both.

The difference between South Africa & Israel's Apartheid regimes, is that Israel's Apartheid regime is actually worse. https://twitter.com/SeoirseDuffy_/status/1329007163533037568
As the late Patrick Wolfe outlines in these two videos, a key difference between Israel's Apartheid, Settler Colonial regime & South Africa's, is that South Africa needed to maintain its black population for the purposes of exploitation. Israel wants rid of the Palestinians.
The complex regime of necro-political military "splintering" occupation in the West Bank & Gaza, geographical entrenches a landscape of racist violence which Achille Membe terms "necropower": https://muse.jhu.edu/article/39984/summary
Jewdas laid out some of the international definitions of Apartheid in this thread, all of which can be applied to the whole of Palestine: https://twitter.com/jewdas/status/1328413803197976590?s=19
@AdalahCenter provides over 65 Israeli laws which racially discriminate against Palestinians in both Israel & the Occupied Territories:

These include the targeting of non-Jewish citizens right to citizenship, the inability of non-Jews to buy property etc. https://www.adalah.org/en/content/view/7771
Also good to recognise, while we are engaging in comparative analysis, that Apartheid in South Africa is ongoing in many ways.

Andy Clarno outlines the ongoing nature of what he terms "NeoLiberal Apartheid", comparing both Israel & SA post-1994 https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/N/bo25338775.html
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