I’ll like to elaborate this tweet for the sake of those who genuinely want to learn and understand better.
THREAD 👇🏽 https://twitter.com/jay_mikee/status/1328702697869111297
We are in the season where this topic seems to be slowly fading from among we Christians while the worldly standards are louder than ever before especially through the media. So I’m glad we’ve created a bit of a buzz so we can discuss and learn.
Movies and tv shows portray dating to be acceptable among youngsters and we see what goes on amongst them. As Christians, dating/courting should be between two intentional adults with marriage in view. I’ll dive deeper into it in a sec.
When I mentioned “boyfriend” and “girlfriend”, I wasn’t referring to it as a name or a title but the ACT and the INTENT itself (romantic relationship) as it was targeted at the YOUNGER GENERATION CHRISTIANS, that is, “not yet of marriageable age”.
We do not follow trend by getting into romantic relationships for the fun of it or to satisfy an urge. It’s a NO.
As Christians, dating/courting is where we learn more and understand each other, have fun while preparing, praying and planning for the future (marriage).
So you see that my tweet isn’t about what two adults call each other, but about what two youngsters ENGAGE in, which was why the words were quoted.
Some ask “What if I have a bf/gf to:
study with
share thoughts and ideas with
play and have fun with
pray with etc.?”
Dear YGC, these are what FRIENDS are for, You don’t need a bf/gf to achieve them, You’ll only be setting yourself up for heavy temptations and emotional battles.
“God’s will is for you to be holy, so stay away from all sexual sin. Then each of you will control his own body and live in holiness and honor— not in lustful passion like the pagans who do not know God and his ways.”
1 Thessalonians 4:3-5 NLT
Our feelings were given to us by God, and It’s important for us to always glorify God with it. It always pays to be patient. Don’t forget that God makes everything beautiful in it’s time.
And to the “‘Christian brothers” that have no plans for marriage but enjoy asking out different sisters just to “‘taste and drop”, your time is coming...
And those that use “God said” on 5 sisters at once, your thunder is still processing his clearance papers.
Se what? Selah.
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