And we're off. Andrew Barrett-Miles is in the chair @WSCCNews #LDReporter
First up is the draft West Sussex Tree Plan. You can find the report here The aim of the plan is to ensure trees owned by the council are 'maintained, protected, and improved for current and future generations'. @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Did you know West Sussex is the second most wooded county in the country with coverage of 23%? Deborah Urquhart did. She's talking about the need to be careful when planting & spoke about the loss of heath land due to poorly planned planting @WSCCNews #LDReporter
The aims of the plan. Horrible to hear that 95% of ash trees will be lost in the next 10-20 years due to ash dieback disease @WSCCNews #LDReporter
The council has responsibility for 52000 ash trees. Dr James Walsh has asked about resources/action plan to cope with dieback. Details: First they need to find funding to make the plan a reality. That's in the pipeline for next year @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Questions about whether @WSCCNews has enough resources for this plan. Somewhat evasive answers from the cabinet member. She's mentioned 'good will' & offers of help from the Woodland Trust & National Park Authority. They are reliant on partners. A forum is planned #LDReporter
Heidi Brunsdon wonders what 'teeth' @WSCCNews has to protect woodland when they are being destroyed by new housing. She gave Kilnwood Vale as an example. It's planning versus the environment #LDReporter
The chair is summing up. They welcome the Tree Plan and say it is needed. They have a couple of issues - are there are enough resources to handle the plan & the need to share their planning concerns with the district/borough councils @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Actually the chair is taking them as one item. Kate O'Kelly is talking about the Chichester scheme & Kevin Boram will talk about Shoreham @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Dr O'Kelly said this was not the right time to remove the scheme & it should be improved instead. She said it could bring a safe cycling infrastructure in the city for years to come @WSCCNews #LDReporter
"We need to provide space for safer cycling for all - not just committed cyclists" - Dr Kate O'Kelly. She also pointed out that removing the lanes now would lead to congestion in the run-up to Christmas @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Dr O'Kelly has argued that they should build on what is there rather than taking everything out. She acknowledges that some of the lanes may not be working but some are @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Over to Kevin Boram who is talking about the decision to remove the A270 Upper Shoreham Road route. He pointed out that there was a 49% increase in usage over half term and 120% increase the week before @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Over to Roger Elkins, Cabinet Member for Highways and Infrastructure. He's talking about the reason the lanes were installed in the first place & the minimum amount of consultation that took place @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Mr Elkins said the needs for the scheme no longer applied & there had not been such a reduction in traffic during the second lock-down as was seen during the first @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Roger Elkins: "These were temporary schemes at the time to alleviate public transport pressures. That has now been addressed therefore the requirements for the schemes are no longer a necessity" @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Dr James Walsh has asked why no one is listening to the cyclists who have pointed out that parts of the scheme are working well. He said removing the Shoreham in particular scheme was 'extremely premature' @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Mr Elkins said the Traffic Regulation Orders needed for these lanes apply to the whole scheme, not part of it. Dr Walsh asked why there was an urgency to remove the lanes before the situation had been fully discussed. Called it a waste of money @WSCCNews #LDReporter
While 2 Chichester councillors - Jamie Fitzjohn & Louise Goldsmith - have supported the call-in, Jeremy Hunt sent a note referring to an online survey which said c90% of respondents didn't want them. Congestions was the main issue @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Pieter Montyn said it was 'a great shame' that safety/accident data was not available. He questioned whether 20mph speeds were being met by cyclists. He felt the Shoreham call-in in particular was 'compelling' @WSCCNews #LDReporter
The committee has been reminded that the schemes were designed to be temporary. The cyclists know that which is why they are suggesting improvements to the lanes which work rather than just ripping them out @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Steve Waight has said the amount of opposition to the Chichester scheme means it is 'dead in the water'. But he is more optimistic about the future of the Shoreham scheme @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Mr Elkins was asked if replacing the Shoreham scheme would be a priority. Without seeing detail, he can't give a firm answer but it is 'one of those schemes that would appear to be a favourable approach'. In principle, he would want to give it more attention @WSCCNews #LDReporter
The respondents to the council's online survey for Chichester were mainly motorists. When asked if they support the A286 cycle lanes being made permanent, 80% strongly opposed @WSCCNews #LDReporter
They've been told it would take 18 months to make the schemes permanent & it would be better to remove them first @WSCCNews #LDReporter
So why can't they keep them until the permanent ones are ready? They've been told that the Traffic Regulation Orders can only run for up to 18 months & there would not be enough time left to get the work done. @WSCCNews #LDReporter
'It's been a long debate!' Cllr Boram has just called Andrew Barrett-Miles 'Madam Chairman'. @WSCCNews #LDReporter
They're voting on the Chichester call-in to ask the cabinet member to reverse his decision @WSCCNews #LDReporter
It's a tie - 4-4. Chairman's casting vote is against. They don't support the call-in & won't ask the cabinet member to reconsider @WSCCNews #LDReporter
It's a different story for Shoreham - 6 votes to 2 in support of the call-in. They will ask the cabinet member to reconsider his decision @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Time for a 30-minute break @WSCCNews #LDReporter
And we're back. Next up is an update on the work of the Cycling & Walking Strategy & tranches 1 and 2 of the Emergency Active Travel Fund @WSCCNews #LDReporter
They're starting with the lessons learnt from Tranche 1 & how they can be applied to Tranche 2 schemes which include the A24 shared cycle/footway at Findon & the A259 shared cycle/footway at Rustington. Tranche 2 bid went in in August @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Unlike tranche 1, tranche 2 schemes will be permanent. I think there is £2.35m to spend but will check that - having an attack of the sneezes when some one is speaking makes it hard to hear! @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Dr Walsh has stressed the need for the county's existing cycle routes to be 'joined up'. He said the network was somewhat piecemeal at the moment, with routes ending abruptly. @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Dr Walsh added that @WSCCNews needed to make a 'more concerted effort' to make sure cyclists actually use the lanes rather than opting for the roads. Education needed #LDReporter
Roger Oakley asked if primary consideration will be given to cycle lanes along routes to schools. He also wants to know if @WSCCNews will have to follow set design standards. Answer was essentially yes, if they want to use government money. School routes is also yes #LDReporter
Gear Change - the government's vision for cycling & walking - includes national design guidance notes known as LTN 1/20. Chairman has asked to learn more about this and what is being asked of the council @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Other than that, they are largely happy with the way the Walking and Cycling Strategy is going @WSCCNews #LDReporter
Brief presentation about @WSCCNews's response to the government's Pavement Parking Consultation. Response is yet to be sent but generally agrees with taking enforcement action against 'unnecessary obstructions' rather than going for a complete ban on pavement parking #LDReporter
Questions have been asked about what constitutes an unnecessary obstruction - and how @WSCCNews would prove it. #LDReporter
Cut-off date for submissions to the consultation is Sunday. Pieter Montyn has asked when any rule changes would be enforceable. They expect to hear from the Department for Transport in March about what will happen @WSCCNews #LDReporter
On to possible items for future scrutiny. Pieter Montyn is talking about 'secrecy' surrounding improvements envisioned by Chichester District Council for 5 junctions on the A27. It involves @WSCCNews land & officers & he wants the issue brought to the county council #LDReporter
Mr Montyn wants it brought to the January meeting. He has support from several members. The chairman will write to the cabinet member Roger Elkins to ask for more info before deciding how to proceed. @WSCCNews #LDReporter
And that's the end of the meeting. Have a good afternoon @WSCCNews #LDReporter
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