‘Free’ prescriptions. Let me tell you something about ‘free’ prescriptions.

In England, the huge majority of prescriptions are dispensed freely (90%). If you are under 16 or 17 or 18 and in full time education you get them free. Same if you’re a pensioner, on benefits, have 1/5
a chronic medical condition or pregnant. All hospital prescriptions are free. If you don’t fall into any of these categories but are on a low income, you fill out an HC1 form and get a form back giving you access to free prescriptions from any pharmacy.

If you can AFFORD to 2/5
pay for prescriptions then you bloody well should. This costs £100 A YEAR for UNLIMITED prescriptions.

Yet the SNP and their Nationalist zombie horde think it’s better for people who can AFFORD them to get them ‘Free’.
The Nat horde slavishly cry that ‘universalism actually 3/5
saves money’. You know how the system in England is ‘policed’? A couple of low-level NHS admins randomly take a few prescriptions where evidence wasn’t shown for eligibility (not required) and randomly check a handful to see if they were eligible. If you’re found not to be 4/5
you get a fine of three times the value of the prescription. And so you bloody should. 5/5
As an afterthought - the people who pay for their medications generally get them heavily subsidised. For example, a combination inhaler might cost £50. The person paying for it, only needs to pay £105.90 for unlimited inhalers which might be as much as £110 per month.
@drgmlennox did I get this all correct? 😄
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