@CanadianGreens @BlocQuebecois @ndp along with community volunteer organizations are challenging the federal govt & well financed nuclear corporations false narratives about their PROPOSED nuclear reactors calling them "a dirty, dangerous distraction from tackling climate change"
First Nation leaders from across Canada passed Resolution 62/2018 demanding
* the nuclear Industry abandon its plans to operate Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (SMNRs) in Ont & Canada
* the Govt of Canada cease funding & support of the SMNRs program https://www.afn.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Combined-Final-2018-December-SCA-Resolutions_EN.pdf
“Building new nuclear reactors does not belong in a climate action plan. Leading researchers have shown that investing in renewable energy is the best path to net zero and that adding nuclear energy to the mix actually hinders rather than helps.” http://www.sussex.ac.uk/broadcast/read/53376 (Oct2020)
"The proposed reactors are still on the drawing board & will take a decade or more to develop. ... The most advanced SMR project to date in the US has already doubled its estimated cost – from $3B to over $6B." Nuclear is most expensive energy source... https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/11/several-us-utilities-back-out-deal-build-novel-nuclear-power-plant
"The MPs & environmental groups are shocked that the govt is funding new nuclear energy development with no parliamentary review, while trying to avoid public scrutiny & debate. They called the consultation process leading up 2 the SMR Action Plan a sham." https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/our-natural-resources/energy-sources-distribution/nuclear-energy-uranium/canadas-small-modular-reactor-action-plan/21183
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