Do you know all the YAML tricks and gotchas?

Are there any YAML tips for Kubernetes?

Read along!

Let's cover the basics first.

YAML has three basic rules:

1. Indentation — only 2 or 4 spaces
2. Maps — key-value pairs
3. Lists — collections of things

Maps and lists are the basic building blocks of any YAML file.

Any value that is part of a list or of map's value can be a string, a number, a boolean, `null`, or another dictionary.

In most cases, strings don't require quotes.

But sometimes if you miss them... 💣💥

Apart from edge cases, there are some actual useful features if you write Kubernetes manifests:

- You can use `---` to delimit docs
- You can define snippets with `*` and reference them with `&`

What if you make a mistake?

How do you know? 🤔

You could use:

1. an online YAML linter like 
2. a CLI like 
3. if you use Visual Studio Code, install the YAML extension from Red Hat for autocomplete

Is there any useful tool to edit YAML other than by hand?

`yq`  is a command-line tool designed to transform YAML.

It is similar to another more popular tool called `jq` that focuses on JSON instead of YAML.

That's it! This was a short intro to YAML (and YAML's gotchas). Do you know more tips? Let me know!

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