Nothing this fucknugget says surprises me anymore, but I had to read this several times, turbo blinking the whole while.
The clear subtext here: Trump is outraged that Black voters in cities like Detroit, Milwaukee, and Atlanta have the ability to legitimately vote against him, and in such strong numbers that it flips the state. We also saw this when his mobs descended on ballot counting centers.
I've chosen to adopt a posture of incredulous contempt as I've observed the former President and his racist-and-afraid minions since November 3. I knew he'd do this. I'm just fascinated by what they're not even hiding anymore.
Trump's SELF-APPOINTED AND UNAUTHORIZED "poll watchers" (seriously, ballots weren't counted at the polling places, but okay I guess) were basically racist shopkeeps hovering over places with mostly Black trained ballot counters waiting to catch them shoplifting.
Buncha "GOTCHA!" attempts at an exposé, against people who were JUST trying to do their damn jobs. I'm so sick of this. (Sidenote: someone tried to ID me when I last voted at my polling spot. I'd voted in 2 prior elections, AND was on the rolls. Little pinchmouth old White lady.)
One day we'll talk about what an absolute bug out it is for me, as a 14th+ generation Black American, to be regarded and treated as a hostile foreign criminal entity, by White people whose families arrived in America right after streetlamps and indoor toilets.
But alright.
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