- Part 2 -

A fucking thread.
Hello, I've previously made a recommendation before and I will continue the thread that I watched lately. So yea this is the part two of the anime recommendation thread.
🌡 Sebelumnya maaf kalo bahasa gue campur², because I'm very comfortable of speaking this way.
🌡 It's all about taste, yang gue suka belom tentu lo suka juga.
🌡 It's a simple thread and my personal rating about the anime.
🌡 Please feel free to DM me for the further details about any anime.
🌡 If you read and like this thread, please leave a like or comment ❀️
πŸ‘ Fruits Basket πŸ‘
Mengawali thread dgn anime ini. Krn jujur awalnya gue kira anime ini punya heroine yg menyeΒ² dan plot yg b aja, tp gue salah besar. Anime ini mengupas dalam trauma, kesengsaraan, tragic event dari SEMUA character yang ada. Ini yang menurut gue menarik banget
πŸ’ Berkisah ttg keluarga besar soma yg terkutuk dgn dua belas shio, shio ular, tikus, kucing, dll. Hukumnya adlh klo opposite gender dari manusia biasa 'embrace' mrk yg terkutuk shio, mrk akan berubah jd hewan which depends on what curse animal they represent.
Pusat roda berputar dr cerita ini adalah main character Honda Tohru. Intinya dia diusir keluarganya dan tinggal bersama dg keluarga soma and she discovered their family secrets, day by day the story is getting darker and deeper. But she managed to be the light of their darkness.
πŸ’ Ada 2 season dn akan berlanjut.
πŸ’ Menarik banget krn setiap cerita dr character yg di kupas di setiap episode bisa buat gue nangis dan relate.
πŸ’ Unique characters and nice plot development.
πŸ’ High school life and lil bit of romance.
πŸ’ Nontonnya yg tahun release baru ya.
πŸ’ Mungkin heroine rada menyeΒ² but she's really nice dibanding heroine anime lain.
πŸ’ Season 1 baru perkenalan ke semua shio satu per satu mungkin rada b aja, season 2 gue gelengΒ² dan ngamuk dan nangis krn gada yg bilang ini anime bagus banget.
πŸ’ Highly recommended this, 10/10
πŸ‘ Banana Fish πŸ‘
Anda depresi? Mau lebih depresi? Boleh banget nonton ae anime ini. Buat gue, udh ga jaman lg recommend org dg ngeprank pake anime boku no pico. Klo lo mau org itu sengsara, kasih anime ini. Selesai gue nonton ini, rasanya kek gmn ya.. Hampa kek.. Ngentot..
πŸ’ Berkisah di NY, eiji sm pamannya adlh jurnalis dr jepang dateng somehow for an interview or smth dengan gangster amerika which who's popular is Ash. Tp ujungnya mrk terseret di masalah per gangsteran amerika terutama ash, eiji adlh org pertama yg bisa control ash, they uwu uwu
πŸ’ 24 episode an
πŸ’ Slight warning, utk yg homophobic mungkin gue saranin gausah. Krn walopun ini bukan anime yaoi, ada prostitusi antara male x male. Hub eiji sm ash jg bukan romantic relationship but somehow they bond in an UwU way.
πŸ’ The only anime that I want to watch once.
πŸ’ You will see how ash really treasure eiji, how beautiful the story and the.... Ending..
πŸ’ May seem like an old anime visual but it's not.
πŸ’ Cerita ash benerΒ².. Sengsara.. Sakit.. It's really tragic
πŸ’ Once again it hurts your heart
πŸ’ I highly recommend it, happy suffering!
πŸ‘ Fire Force πŸ‘
Gak kalah bagus dari demon slayer, this anime deserves more hype. Banyak hal yang gue suka dari anime baru ini, yang paling gue bisa tekenin di anime ini adalah KEREN BANGET yes it's a motherfucking cool anime you better watch this shit man it's a must.
πŸ’ Berkisah ttg pemadam kebakaran, tp bukan pemadam biasa. Yg mrk padamin adlh manusia api, dan petugas pemadamnya pun punya power utk ngontrol, even make the fire. Shinra, πŸ’dijuluki anak dajjal cus he's always smile in creep when he's nervous and told he murdered his own family
πŸ’ Udh ada 2 season (ongoing) and I think it's gonna be a long journey
πŸ’ A really. Nice. Breathtaking. Visual
πŸ’ Fucking good fight scenes I'm gonna cry
πŸ’ I recommend to watch this with a bass headphone, krn pas mereka berantem it goes DOOOOMMM like in cinemas, excellent sound.
πŸ’ Yes unique characters especially arthur, he's... Stupid yet smart.. Yet badass.. Yet stupid.. And he's just stupid.
πŸ’ All characters are fucking BADASS
πŸ’ Kinda mystery, one by one they discovered the world mystery that even their Bible didn't mentioned. Which... Is FUN OMG
πŸ’ Hmmm jujur belom nemu minusnya
πŸ’ Iconic and catchy opening
πŸ’Yes yes yes to this anime I really recommend you to watch this it's a must 10000/10
πŸ‘ Tate No Yuusha No Niriagari πŸ‘
Or shield hero, Anime isekai (teleport ke dunia lain/fantasi) yang dapet banyak banget sorotan karena ceritanya menarik banget. Gue nonton ini dah lama dan berhubung season 2 nya akan rilis tahun depan, jadi gue akan recommend anime keren ini.
πŸ’ Biasanya hero pasti megangnya pedang, panah, atau tombak. Beda dengan org yg nasib naas ini, dia dipanggil ke dunia lain untuk menjadi 'hero' menyelamatkan dunia lain ini tapi dapet main weaponnya tameng/shield... Emg bisa ngapain? Maka dari itu dia dpt byk diskriminasi dari-
Hero lain yg dpt senjata lbh keren berguna dan semua warga setempat karena ya pahlawan tameng mau ngapain kan mikirnya. Tp engga, he could prove that they're so damn wrong. He's not cocky unlike other heroes and slowly gain faithful commanders along his journey.
πŸ’ Yes to character development and how he dearly raise his commander
πŸ’ The definition of from zero to hero
πŸ’ Cute maskot he got there
πŸ’ Nice plot and nice adventure journey
πŸ’ I really recommend this of you like isekai anime and adventures
πŸ‘ Tsurezure Children πŸ‘
The CUTEST romance anime that I've ever watched. Kek gue selalu pause buat bilang 'anjing kapan ya' karena emg gemoi uwu uwu damn bruh it's so cute they're so cute why I love this so much. If you really love romance comedy this is the right answer for you
πŸ’ Berkisah ttg beberapa pasangan yang ada di satu sekolah ini. Iya, main characternya ga cuma dua, krn satu episode bisa gantiΒ² ke cerita calon pasangan lain tapi tetep seputar satu sekolah ini. Ada yg mulai PDKT biasa, luar biasa, bahkan yg ngira udh jadian pdhl di anggep temen
πŸ’ Comedynya fluff lucuΒ²
πŸ’ Each couple has their own problems lmao it's fun and cute to watch
πŸ’ Durasinya animenya ga sampe 20mins
πŸ’ It's a very nice romance that makes you blush O////O *kapan ya*
πŸ’ I highly recommend this anime if you love cute romance stories ❀️
πŸ‘ The Great Pretender πŸ‘
Lo jago nipu ga, jago lah nipu mutual pake foto abis dr starbuck pdhl ngambil dari pinterest mah gampang. Tapi anime ini nipunya beda level, penipu ditipu hahahahhaayuk kok bisa ngentot bisa lah namanya juga anime. Keren banget it's mind blowing tho
πŸ’ Berkisah ttg seorang penipu yang kerjaanya nipu, nipu orang, eh penipunya ditipu sama penipu juga
πŸ‘οΈπŸ‘„πŸ‘οΈ Bingung. Tapi bneran, ceritanya ttg penipu ditipu lagi, dan akhirnya mrk bekerja sama nipu orang tapi dalam penipuan terdapat penipuannya lagi jadi dobel tripel gt nipunya
πŸ’ Maaf kalo ga jelas tp emg gt ceritanya
πŸ’ 16san episode
πŸ’ Mind blowing tricks that makes you go DAMN BOI
πŸ’ Yes judulnya diangkat dari judul lagu Queen, dan endingnya juga pake lagu Queen
πŸ’ It's a cool and fun anime to watch, kinda underrated so u gotta watch this anime!
πŸ‘ Death Parade πŸ‘
Anime rilisan lama, tapi gue sempet re-watch karena gue suka banget sama anime ini. Nonton ini ga akan berasa gue ngabisin waktu karena setiap episode punya ceritanya masingΒ², it's really fun to watch and quite the feels.
πŸ’ Abis kematian, gada yg namanya surga atau neraka di anime ini. It's either reincarnation or oblivion. Who decides that are the arbiter of the afterlife atau judger, tapi caranya bukan nimbang dosa, melainkan lo disuru main game. Yes you play darts, bowling, hockey etc.
Tujuan arbiter memutuskan lo kemana dgn melihat sifat asli yang dikeluarkan manusia pada saat berlawanan dg bermain game. Jadilah, setiap org punya ceritanya, cara, perasaannya tersendiri buat menang.
They don't even know their dead in the first place. sampe suatu hari mereka kedatengan cwe yang cacat prosedur karena dia langsung inget kenapa dia mati.
πŸ’ 12 episodes
πŸ’ Nice visuals
πŸ’ Place taken in a bar lol it's unique isn't it? Deciding ur destiny with a game and bar.
πŸ’ Decim, lead male ini dibanding arbiters lain dia yang paling pengen mengerti manusia, ditambah kedatengan cwe yg cacat prosedur tadi yg di hire jadi assistant decim makes the story interesting cus slowly she regained her memory.
πŸ’ Yes I recommend this it's good 9/10
πŸ‘Tanaka-kun wa Itsuml KedarugeπŸ‘
Mager gak? Iyalah mager lo ae baca ginian bukannya kerja ato ngerjain tugas. Apalagi main character di anime ini yang magernya luar biasa. Dia basically ga ngapaΒ²in sbnernya cuman ini yg menurut gue bikin lucu dan bikin lo ikut mager.
πŸ’ Bercerita ttg tanaka, siswa mageran. Udah gt doang si keknya
πŸ’ Saking magernya dia berangkat sama pulang sekolah diangkat temennya, it's funny how their friends wanted to help him and even some of them want to learn how to be mager
πŸ’ He basically don't want anything in life
πŸ’ LUCU and very heartwarming story
πŸ’ Ceritanya seputar kemageran dia setiap hari, ketiduran di kelas, ngehindarin kerumunan, ngambil remot tv, dsb.
πŸ’ Comedy ringan and it's verrryyy cutee and fluff story
πŸ’ Recommend this comedy school life anime 10/10
πŸ‘ Shinchou Yuusha: Kono Yuusha ga Ore Tueee Kuse ni Shinchou Sugiru πŸ‘
Iya emg judulnya panjang ngentot. Ini anime aneh yang rada ga biasa tapi ngeselin krn tai banget ni org klo ada di dunia asli juga bakal lo takol anjing kek bangsat lah pokoknya simak dlu kenapa
πŸ’Berkisah tentang Isekai anime, dia dipanggil ke dunia lain krn terpilih jd Hero yg bisa nyelametin dunia. Tapi si dewa Listarte ini keknya ga hoki aja, salah pilih orang dan kurang literasi ae. Krn yg dia pilih seiya. emg ganteng, statsnya bagus, tapi.. Terlalu waspada ngentot
Dan dia gapunya adab aja gt. Waspada gimana? Pernah bolak balik ngecheck history bokep lo udh kehapus apa belom kan? Iya tapi dia lebay banget sampe bisa hapus semua history yg ada, bakar laptopnya kalo bisa. Yes, he's that cautious. Lebay banget. Dewinya jg radaΒ² kek gd yg bner
πŸ’ Mungkin humornya lebay juga tapi menurut gue lucu banget sm akhlaknya
πŸ’ Yes it's unique and you'll find a big surprise in the ending that makes you cry like a baby
πŸ’ 12 episodes
πŸ’ You'll find tits blown away
πŸ’ Uniqueness and entertaining 9/10
πŸ‘ Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzau Shinai Taikutsu na SekaiπŸ‘

Singkatnya shimoneta, ini anime yg paling berani berani bawa hal berbau jorok dan intinya, anime ini tentang nyebar bokep. Yes this anime is so ridiculous like why would they use panties as mask???
πŸ’ Berkisah ttg dunia yg punya hukum moral, jepang memusnahkan hal tabu dan monitoring semua hal yg berbau sex, genitals, dsb. Sampai suatu hari Okuma ini ketemu sama Ayame yang ngediriin organisasi namanya SOX. don't ask why. Her purpose is to spreading lewd material to public
Jadi dunia tau lagi halΒ² tabu atau intinya biar bisa sange lagi lah. Jadi mereka jd teroris porno KWKWKW iya intinya gitu tai demi dah.
πŸ’ 12 episodes
πŸ’ Lewd characters, ada yg rambutnya mirip palkon
πŸ’ KOCAK, yes and it's really fun to watch
πŸ’ So funny.. Like iykwim.. πŸ‘€πŸ‘€
πŸ’ Dirty humor at its finest
πŸ’ Just in case... Watch this alone
πŸ’ You can't miss this anime, I really recommend this if you're fine with this type of anime. I can give this 9/10
πŸ’ Oh don't worry there's no no lewd tits or something they all are censored ridiculously
πŸ‘ Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun πŸ‘
Pernah dger setan mister gepeng pas jaman SD? iya kurang lebih ceritanya tentang hantu mitos tapi di jepang. Everyone says it's a myth, they thought hanako is a girl with bob hair, but they were mistaken.. Cus he's.. Lowkey look hot lol
πŸ’ Berkisah ttg Yashiro yg pergi ke toilet sekolahnya, manggil salah satu dari hantu 7 misteri sekolah yaitu hanako. Katanya hanako bisa ngabulin permintaan, so there she goes. And my oh my hanako is unexpectedly.. Weird yet fun. He's nothing like that everyone imagined.
πŸ’ 12 episodes, will continue
πŸ’ Ceritanya bukan cuman seputar hanako, tapi juga 7 hantu misteri lainnya
πŸ’ As you can see, they make an interesting visual type. Outstanding colors and bold lines. It's very unique.
πŸ’ Comedy and maybe a slight of romance to be UwU
πŸ’ The plot were nice! I love how there's sum unexpected things in the story
πŸ’ It's cute bruh
πŸ’ No scary stuffs, it's comedy tho
πŸ’ Yes please watch this anime if you love mystery, fluff, cute comedy anime 9/10
πŸ‘Tensei Shitara Slime Datta KenπŸ‘
Gue tau anime ini dari game 7ds yg lagi featuring dg anime ini. Pas gue coba nonton it's surprisingly good! Another worth-your-time Isekai anime at its finest. What's unique is how the main character takes form as.. A fucking slime.
πŸ’ 24 episode, will continue next year
πŸ’ Berkisah ttg seorang rimuru tempest bereinkarnasi di isekai jadi slime lol. Tapi dia punya unique ability jadi slime yaitu pemakan segala (cmiiw). Dg ability ini dia bisa observe bahan, kekuatan yg dia makan, and produce it by himself
Kek abilitynya tuh unique and makes him so powerful. Byk yg ngeremhin dia krn dia slime but NOOOooO he's fucking so powerful and can take any form that he wants to. Dia nolongin suatu ras, and eventually he make his own town with happy citizens under his leadership.
πŸ’ He's really cool bruh like he could persuade, negotiate, and even make things easily. This is a good anime fr
πŸ’ His commanders are really loyal
πŸ’ Overpowered? No he's just a smart and lowkey
πŸ’ Action, adventure, comedy is so good
πŸ’ Give this 1000/10
πŸ‘ Saiki Kusuo πŸ‘
This comedy anime is fucking CHAOS. Very chaotic that idk anymore this shit is fucking ridiculous. Kocak, tapi kasian dia sial banget. This is one of my most favorite comedy anime karena ngentot KWKWKWK kocak bgt intinya
πŸ’ Berkisah ttg saiki, seorang cenanyang. Cenanyang yg punya unlimited super power ato ability yg luar biasa kek baca pikiran, vision nembus tulang, superhuman, dsb. Tapi dia cuman pengen hidup normal krn dia pikir punya gituan ngerepotin diri sendiri. Sialnya dia adalh,
Dia ga punya temen yang waras. Gada sama sekali org di sekitarnya yg waras, walopun punya supernatural power dia tetep ga bisa ngehindarin tmnΒ² anehnya yg gapunya akhlak dan budi pekerti.
πŸ’ Ini dia ada 2/3 season gue lupa, nonton dr urutan rilis nya aja
πŸ’ It's very chaotic
πŸ’ Ngomongnya kayak kumurΒ²
πŸ’ Humor banget 😭😭😭
πŸ’ It's really funny and really a real comedy anime like bruhhhhh adaΒ² aja
Hello, thank you for reading my thread this far and I don't expect to be this bomb since I wrote it jokingly with sum harsh words 😭😭😭 also apologize for my typos. Gue nulis ini emg seenak jidat aja soalnya.

Sbnernya nulis jg belom selesai, lanjut sini apa bikin baru dah
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