It is clearly stupid to enact a law on a fiction called 'love jihad'. The State cannot prevent interfaith marriages. If the concern is any coercion or deceit used, there are already provisions in the IPC for that. The sole purpose of the proposed laws is to harass Muslim boys.
For any doubt regarding marriage all you require is a statement from the girl before a judicial magistrate or an affidavit. Nothing else. The State fails to appreciate that people convert because the process of marriage under the Spl Marriage Act is fraught with serious risks.
It is ridiculous to enact a law for just about 36,000 interfaith marriages out of nearly 1 crore marriages in India every year. It is not merely politics of vote bank. The intention is to increase the hatred for other communities.
Those who ask why the couple did not marry under Spl Marriage Act (court marriage), do not realize that it involves publication of a notice with your current and permanent address for a month. Those opposed to marriage could track them down in this period and kill them.
People convert because it not only makes the process easier but also makes the marriage a fait accompli. In court marriage, their life is at risk during the notice period.
Even if, in isolated cases, someone 'faked' love and married a girl for whatever reason, which law says that love must necessarily be genuine. Where is the offence? Sex under the promise of marriage could be rape, but here marriage is indeed taking place. Thus, no rape either.
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