Watching how few people who aren’t affected directly (and I am very grateful to those few) speaking up against antisemitism within Labour has helped me understand how shallow commitments to anti-racism are within the social work community on Twitter.
I’ve noted those who have been very loud about anti-racism be silent on antisemitism. Maybe we aren’t the right kind of minority ethnic group. Maybe it will upset some of your friends. But wow, it’s made me realise how shallow hashtag ‘solidarity’ is on the left.
I am tired. Tired of trying to explain what it is like. Tired of having a whole damn wing of a political party gaslighting us. Tired of people who say they are anti-racist completely bypass Jewish experiences because it just isn’t as easy. I’ve left my pinned post up.
If you feel unable to speak up for Jewish people because Corbyn is more important to you, please, just read and resolve to learn about Jewish people in the UK and not just stick with your assumptions. That’s anti-racist practice
And to all those who have offered support - whether directly or via DM or email. I am so thankful. This is what honestly keeps me going. I can’t tell you how much I’ve needed and appreciated it
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