Since all my tweeting work on behalf of #TransAwarenessWeek , I've been getting lots (lots) of notifications from cranky trans males. So I've decided to start a tweet chain of my responses to their very cranky tweets. I'll pin it to my profile for your ease of reference.
Hopefully it will be a very short thread because all the answers you need you will find here negating the need for a cranky tweet just from you.


Women are real.

Male fantasies of what a woman is are not real.
I particularly like this one in support of men who think they are the personification of a concept they've formulated in their own head. That's not delusional at all.

Women are resisting the invasion of our sex by these men.

Women are real.
Male fantasies are not real.
This was particularly well thought out.

Resisting the destruction of women's rights for men (who think their fantasy of 'woman' is the reality) is the cause of an arsehole (Aust usage).

Real women should submit to a fantasy. That's kinder.
Crona wasn't being cranky, and it was nice to see a note of concern amongst the rubble.

Thanks Crona ❤️

Kangaroos are safe as long as we stay in our own lane and don't try to bounce around in the paddock with them.

If you're ever down under you will see them everywhere.
Rick and Melancholic have got this.

I can't believe they're still using that old 'the toilet in your house is unisex' schtick.
I don't know either, but I'm following Jimsloudnoise now.
Well at least I can be confident Guy isn't stalking my profile.
Handy hint, guy - cut & paste instead of quote tweeting works better if you don't want the object of your tweet to reply.
Someone get that man a dictionary!
He needs to look up 'strawman', 'argument' and 'fallacy' for starters.
Seriously, I think most of the problems we're having with Transactivists now stem from their inability to understand words.
I think I've shook 'im off.
But it is Mr Lyon (meow), so he's probably lurking getting ready to pounce.
The anticipation is killing me.
At last one of them has found my thread!
A chance to engage intelligently and try to reach a consensus ....
.... oh ...
I just collected a few screenshots of some of my awareness tweets.
I think a lot of them have been reported so they might disappear.
I've got a campaign dedicated just to me!
I'm honoured.
And all because I support the right of trans people not to be discriminated against on the basis of being trans.

But there's a catch ...
It sounded better in baby voice.

'I tellin'' Mummy on you. You big bumbum head!'

Oops! Sorry.

'I tellin'' Birthing Parent on you. You big bumbum head!'
I only spotted this one when somebody liked it, obviously because it's a real gotcha!
How can a woman be a woman if she doesn't identify as a woman?
A question that has plagued women since we first started pretending we were more than the figment of man's imagination.
It's incredible to a lot of cranky men women don't find it necessary to identify as a woman in order to be one.
We are women.
We are also whatever the hell else we are:
Mothers, lovers, workers, happy, tired, creative, bitches.
We don't id as all that.
Well, maybe the last one.
I really don't think there's any hope of making these people understand that woman is not an identity in a man's head.
They are trans people's worst enemies.
But I was nice and patient (I think).
It didn't work, so I'll go back to being a smart arsed bitch.
It's more fun.
George's heart was in the right place, shame about his brain.
Another day, another deluded, abusive idiot ...
And on it goes ...
Most of them are children aren't they?
Aren't there rules about children not being on Twitter?
It's like having a 12 year old kid in the back seat of the car again.
"Put your seatbelt on."
"Make me!"
"I'll just let you go through the windscreen then."
Why do they always bring race into these discussions?
I identify him as pretentious.
Dunning-Kruger has had a big influence on these identitarians.
But ... race!?
But ... gender!?
But ... essentialism?
But ... identity?
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