As the holiday season approaches, COVID-19 transmission in Utah is not slowing down. Our Infectious Diseases experts are discussing ways to keep your families safe during the holidays and are available to take questions from the media.
⏰Wednesday, November 18th at noon
Q: What are the biggest concerns about gathering during the holidays?

A: "My biggest concern is that people won't adhere to the recommended guidelines during this holiday season."-Carlos Gomez, MD, associate professor of the Division of Infectious Diseases
Q: What are safe ways to gather during the holidays?

A: "Our first recommendation is to not gather for the holiday season with people who are not in your immediate household."-Emily Spivak, MD, associate professor of the Division of Infectious Diseases @EmilySpivak
"If people choose not to follow the recommendations, please do not gather with more than 10 people. Please keep distance, eat outside and wear masks at all times."-Emily Spivak, MD, associate professor of the Division of Infectious Diseases @EmilySpivak
Q: How can Thanksgiving affect the coming holidays?

A: "We saw this on Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. Thanksgiving has the potential to be the worst cause of spread if people don't follow recommendations."-Andy Pavia, MD, chief of the Division of Pediatric ID
"Even if people are spaced out indoors, there is a potential for aerosol spread. That is why we don't recommend any gathering. If you are going to eat indoors, windows/doors need to be open."-Emily Spivak, MD, associate professor of Infectious Diseases @EmilySpivak
"If we do well, we can avoid a surge of deaths during Christmas time. There is an end in sight. There is no reason to risk people's lives during the holidays when a vaccine is coming soon."-Andy Pavia, MD, chief of the Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases @AndrewPaviaMD
"It's important to keep long-term perspective in mind. If we control the virus now, we will be able to spend more time with our loved ones again."-Carlos Gomez, MD, associate professor of the Division of Infectious Diseases
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