"We’re in the Viking Funeral phase of the Trump presidency right now," I said on @KennedyNation's program Nov. 5. "You have his sons out there trying to...enforce message discipline on wayward Nikki Haleys of the world for being insufficiently insane.." 1/ https://finance.yahoo.com/video/trumps-claims-fraudulent-rigged-election-014205984.html
I usually don't talk like this, least not sober and in non- @wethefifth venues. But the self-beclowning of the GOP in the face of a conspiracy theorist president talking and acting nonsense these past weeks has been spectacular, and worth saddling onto the enablers.
More from Nov. 5: "And we tend to look away, because it gets tiresome, but the president today in his speech; that is not the speech of an adult. And he’s going to be doing this the next several weeks as they challenge—and I think increasingly, like today, lose—in court."
You people out there cheering this on are a major part of why this is happening. Those of you who say, "But what about Stacey Abrams not conceding," or "What about Dems blaming 2016 on Russia/Facebook/whatever," are demonstrating the vacuousness of most applied whataboutism.
Which is to say, the lesson to be learned about the Other Guy's craziness should be: Don't be crazy. It's like Trump's response to family-separation, blaming it on Obama/Biden--like, just choose whether the thing is good or bad, and act accordingly, is the thing grownups do.
As I said on tonight's @KennedyNation, the single greatest advertisement for Democrats in Georgia is watching Republicans conspiracy-monger against the GOP secretary of state, because they're terrified of Trump voters. How pathetic, in every way.
(Please don't misinterpret that as an endorsement of said Democrats, FWIW.)

Anyway, I do not say any of this in a spirit of piling on, or of yelling "Score-board!" I say it because this fantasia is more than just unseemly, it's unhealthy. You need to snap out of it.
I say this after spending the last 4 years objecting to the formulation of "interfering with the election" to describe 2016. Dem voters claiming a pure asymmetry on conspiratorial nonsense are flattering themselves. Things are gonna be bad for a while; it's up to us to improve.
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