Attn Team Liberal. When our Prime Minister is the son of our former Prime Minister, it isn't a cosmic fluke. It's privilege in action. Visibly, obviously, and flagrantly. I like Trudeau. I think he's doing a good job. But let's at least admit it so perhaps we can fix it. #cdnpoli
/2 Should have been another 10-part tweet to explain properly. Not saying this is specially a Liberal problem. I'm just tired of watching people I otherwise agree with pretend we don't see it. Pointing out the failures of the other team doesn't excuse us from examining ourselves.
/3 One day, we're going to have to ask ourselves if we're comfortable with a competition to lead this country that's between Justin Trudeau, Caroline Mulroney, and Mike Layton - or some similar set of political heirs. And whether we still believe we're a meritocracy.
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