Popped into @cypheroftyr's stream and the topic turned to non mutuals being very 'notice me senpai'. Its def a thing I see within multiple communities. I get wanting to feel included or noticed by creators you like, but you need to learn boundaries.
creators are not auto obligated to give you our time or attention. We do it when we have the spoons and especially for people we see often in our personal communities. But this idea a stray interaction on the bird app gives you auto access to us is wild
so that suggestive comment you want to make to us when we post a selfie? save it. we dont know you like that.

Also stop putting the responsibility on US to police YOU. Are you a sentient being or not?

"well if they had a problem, I trust theyd tell me" like Im telling you-
Anyway, I love engaging with people as much as the next person. But you cant force it. Its a tough pill to swallow sometimes, but it is what it is.
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