A short thread on the @sainsburys Xmas advert:
The power of the advert is that it is a rare example of UK media representation that "centres blackness". Going beyond the "positive role model" idea and featuring a "positive role community".
There is no denying that the representation of individual positive black role models on UK screens has increased but all too often our communities are still portrayed as disfunctional, crime ridden places. I wrote about these issues in a previous blog https://blackonwhitetv.blogspot.com/2012/05/whats-wrong-with-our-black-communities.html?m=1
Too often black and non-White positive representation is divorced from our communities & families and are in interracial relationships or are single. The advert tacitly says you can be happy as a black family. There is joy in the black community.
This is not a criticism of interracial relationships, any more than it is a criticism of all white families. It is saying that ALL different types of ethnic family structures can work and achieve happiness, but we rarely see this happy representation of black families.
Recognising the importance of going beyond "positive role models" to representing "positive role families" & "positive role communities" is the next frontier in media representation. And one which clever brands (like Sainsubury's) and broadcasters (like HBO & Netflix) are doing.
The most scary thing for racists about the advert is it says "Black people do not need White people to be happy". Non-racists realise that message is not antagonistic to broader white society or multiculturalism. But as people we meet as equals. Black joy is powerful.
Big thanks to @colincraiggrant. On the weekend we had a conversation about "black joy" which was the inspiration behind this thread - as well as the @sainsburys advert of course.
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