1) I have to tell you, this one threw me for a loop. I saw this story when the notice came across my phone.

Understandably, the title alone would cause immediate heartburn.

I start to read this story and my heart starts to drop.
2) Nobody in their right mind (or without an agenda) would conclude that what happened to the Republican poll watchers that actually made it inside the counting facilities was anything less than illegal. What happened to the Republicans is a clear violation of
3) both the spirit and intent of the law.

I’m reading through and I’m just sick. My jaw sits open and I can’t believe it. What does this mean?

Then I get to something that literally makes me go “uhhhh?”

I had come to the part of the article where the reasoning
4) was given by the Supreme Court for their ruling. Apparently, their reason was that the state legislature doesn’t actually define the legal distance, and for the lower court to rule that there had to be no more than six feet of distance between the watcher and the ballot
5) amounted to judicial activism.

In other words, since the legislature had not set six feet into law, the courts had no authority to do so.

The reason this had me absolutely perplexed is that this very same court had upheld the earlier lower court ruling
6) which extended the date in which mail in ballots could be accepted.

Yes, THAT ruling.

What was worse is that the legislature had specifically rejected an extension of the mail in ballot deadline. The will of the legislature was clear on this, the lower court
7) overruled them, and this was the action upheld by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.

When the Republican poll watchers were kept out of the counting facilities, the Trump campaign won a lower court victory which gave them access to the count and set the six foot rule.
8) The Democrats promptly appealed (what are you afraid of if you are doing nothing wrong?), and that is how we ended up here.

So, I’m trying to wrap my head around this ruling. Truthfully, my first thought is that the Justices had been drinking. In reality, the given reason
9) for this ruling made absolutely no sense. I was literally walking around the house completely and utterly confused. I’m going over it again and again, weighing what was clearly proof of either drug abuse or insanity on the part of the Supreme Court.
10) For the record, the Supreme Court is majority Democrat. That is how the original mess started. Likewise, the Trump campaign already knows that they will not win any victories there. They are simply the next step on the way to SCOTUS.
11) But still this ruling was inexplicable. What we now had was a conflicting set of rulings. Granted it was technically two different issues related to the same set of circumstances. I literally wondered if I had remembered the first ruling wrong.
12) I went and verified that it actually the Pennsylvania Supreme Court that had affirmed the first ruling. Sure enough, it was.

Here is what we had:

Ruling number one - the courts had changed the mail in ballot date AGAINST the will of the legislature.

Ruling number two -
13) the Supreme Court had overturned a lower court ruling over six feet, because upholding that ruling was FOR the will of the legislature.

Look, even if the court is majority liberal, they aren’t stupid. They certainly don’t suffer from amnesia. When they ruled today they
14) knew what their prior ruling was.

How did they end up here?

The obvious answer was that the lower court ruling on the poll watchers threw the Democrats into panic. They knew this could be the catalyst to completely overturn Pennsylvania.
15) So they scrambled, and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court already knew what they needed to do to save the results.

So they acted.

Still, how did they get roped into this decision for this reason? I realize that time is short and they needed something fast
16) to stave off disaster. But this?

It was almost as though they walked into a tra....

It was at this point that I was hit with a literal “oh, HELL no” moment. My jaw dropped. To say I was stunned was an understatement.

“You have got to be kidding me!!!”

Let me say this -
17) for those that have never “met” Sidney Powell, please allow me to introduce you.

I knew exactly what had happened. It was unmistakable. We had just witnessed an absolute master class in litigation.

Here is what actually happened.
18) The original law suit filed by the Trump campaign over the poll watchers was intended to address these illegal actions. However, the legal team - now with Sidney Powell - understood something critical to the big picture. They knew they had an opening that none of the
19) Democrats would see coming in time, if they ever saw it at all.

The Trump campaign needed the lower court ruling for all of the standard reasons. Likewise, the poll watchers violations will ultimately be a crucial piece of the overall puzzle.
20) However, it contained a built in time bomb for the Democrats. The Trump team simply needed to Democrats to light the fuse. Light the fuse they did when they filed an immediate emergency appeal to the lower court ruling.

21) Even as I write this I am still stunned over what just happened. However, my shock is for an entirely different reason than when I first saw the initial headline.

If you are still unsure of what just happened, allow me to share it with you.
22) The Trump team just forced the Democrat controlled Supreme Court to declare that the will of the legislature is the controlling force on election legislation, and that NOT EVEN the Supreme Court has the authority to contravene their authority!
23) The Trump team just forced the Supreme Court to set a fatal precedent that WILL explode in their faces.

You may remember the concept of precedence. It was recently in the news. It was front and center in the confirmation hearing of one Amy Coney Barrett.
24) The Democrats couldn’t stop hammering away on precedent - which is the thread by which Roe hangs.

Sidney Powell recognized that the Trump team had a double edged sword on their hands. On one edge they had the clearly illegal obstruction of the poll watchers.
25) That issue alone is going to strike a hard blow to the Democrats.

However, there was the other edge. This was the forced position of the Supreme Court to either uphold the lower court ruling (which would be a disaster for the Democrats),
26) or find a way to overturn the lower court ruling in an emergency session to try eliminate the poll watcher defense.

That was the expected course of action, and that is what happened. To that end, the Trump team outflanked the court which had to come up with an “iron clad”
27) reason that could not be overturned at the next level.

In doing so they slit their own throats.

They flat got suckered into setting their own fatal precedent, which is now in place for when the real challenge - the mail in ballot date - comes before them.
28) They now have no way to uphold that decision without putting it in grave jeopardy at the highest level. They are now on the record, in another decision tied to the same election challenge, as declaring that the legislature is supreme when it comes to voting,
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