@LFTimes_sports Ya got me thinking about hoops now...and I was a crazy stat nerd when I coached (most of it pre internet). I got some stats for you most of them not very flattering for me, but as Coach Parcells said you are what your record says you are...
Overall vs WCV in my tenure our teams were 6-19 from the years 1998 to 2011. 5-7 at home and 1-12 in Newport. I will say we did match up in their "glory years"
Of the 13 games played in Newport, 11 of them were on a Friday night or Sat, with 8 of them on Sat. It was kind of the plan.
We were 1-7 in those Sat games with the average score 59.5 to 49.6. Most were close games, but they always made their FT's in crunch time. Porter always had great FT shooting teams.
Our lone win came on a Sat, Jan 3rd 2003. We won 61-58. @Jus10_P3 led the Cats with 19 points. We were down 12 in 2Q came back. @CoachDeGraaf big steal and 3 pt play with a minute to go. We went on to win the title in a really quality league.
I think that was the game where I had one of my all time favorite half time pep talks. WCV kids calling us "hicks" during first half. I asked our team how could we be the hicks if Newport just had a Stewarts and we have a Stewarts and a Burger King!!!
On a side note, the next year we won Class B title and finished 3rd in the league of Class C schools. Dolgeville and Herk finished ahead of us, both made it to sectional finals. All 3 of us played back to back to back at Manley that year. Pretty good league I would say.
So many memories of these games, but what sticks out is the comradery and fight we always had as a team going there knowing what we were facing, never back downed, always stuck together
Also, I would always make sure to see Reggie before the game. I don't think he loved anything more than watching Steve coach, but he was always so supportive of us. I know he wasn't against us, he was for his son.
Last game vs WCV was in Boonville in 2011. Had 40 year anniversary of undefeated ACS team that year. Steve grew up watching them, they were his heroes. Tyler was playing for WCV as well. Great night, especially because we won!
That is all from a trip down memory lane. Maybe next I'll look up those crazy nights vs Coach Ellis. Take care @LFTimes_sports stay safe and healthy.
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