Why are people so obsessed w proving people to be fake ex Muslims lol who cares... if they want to be obsessed w Islam let them be
Here’s the problem, 90% of the ppl calling someone a fake ex Muslim have never had that experience so it’s just a normal thing. If we know for a fact someone is a fake & they are using it as a marketing tool then sure call them out but before you do that you might want to make.⬇️
..sure they are actually fake because here’s what you’re actually saying: you are a liar/deceiver, really a horrible human for pretending to be apart of a faith that you never were apart of just to market yourself or your new religion. So before you call everyone out make sure⬇️
because when I had these Dawah guys subtweeting abt me saying I’m a fake I got a bunch of goons in my DMs & on discord who would recognize me who would say some things I won’t repeat, so make sure before you speak you first know who you are speaking about. ⬇️
On top of that when I was called a fake I was shocked it was coming out of the mouth of a fellow revert when they should know full well the situation & then to come out & imply someone made some master plan to deceive everyone is honestly a horrible thing to do imo⬇️
Abdullah Sameer said that people would be surprised how many of these youtube Muslims are nice in the DMs to him but criticize him publicly well he’s right, I had one person who was super chill in DMs but then went out & indirectly criticized me for expressing public views ⬇️
..against Islam. Not everyone who leaves Islam is a fake & not everyone who is an ex Muslim is real, use your discernment not your emotions. It’s possible for people to leave a religion for an intellectual problem REASONABLE OR NOT!
& to add one last thing, I was completely okay when people would say: you knew nothing about Islam, or things of that nature, if you followed my Twitter you knew I would agree when ppl would tweet that to me, I would say “you’re right lol I was a new Muslim” ⬇️
but that’s a completely different thing then saying someone lied. Feel free to say I never understood that much of Christianity/Islam when I left but don’t imply I lied to use it as some scam to deceive people.
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