Bernard Looney CEO of PB has pledged their company will cut production of fossil fuels by 50% in the next decade. 2 years ago however they spent $13ml to defeat a carbon price policy in WA state. He wasn't CEO then but he claims there were too many loopholes for certain industies
That is actually a good point. Telling companies you can still emit CO2 if you pay for it won't get us where we want to be. BP is working on the amounts of $ they will spend for renewable energy. They are focused on this & I believe it's in large part a product of the discussion
of the Green New Deal & climate change & the original problem of global warming. We have no time to waste on this issue. The last 4 years of the T***p adm has hurt us in terms of slowing fossil fuel production & exploitation. We cannot frac, drill or expand our way out of
humanities' biggest threat. We cannot afford to ignore it either. The Obama adm created an enviornment to create incentives for oil companies & others to move to green or renewable energy; as a consequence the cost of these new energies has dropped continuously. Gov't can assist
in this effort but most of this will come as a result of changing conversations & education as well as economic activity by consumers. Solar panels are cheaper, turbine energy is cheaper. PCC my local community college is 98.6% all renewable solar energy. It is cleaner, reliable
& provides stability is operating costs which are passed on to the students or in investments in new specialized programs. If the last 4 yrs have taught me anything it is this: all politics really are local. The free flowing ideas of state & local communities is where the action
is. We have made Oregon greener & greener while investing in public education which has attacked more tech industry which brings in or attracks a more diverse work force. The suburbs are fairly diverse in Portland Metro area. It has led to enrichment of social interactions & of
course keeping Oregon blue despite the "freedom" from gov't groups that have given Oregonians the reputation for "militias". 1 county threatened to join Idaho. Like with most things today it is simply posturing as they have whole heartedly embraced trumpism. It isn't gone. Focus.
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