A reminder that a lot of the complaints from Detroit were from a bunch of conservatives (mostly white people from the suburbs) who got voter fraud brain worms on Facebook, got like 10 mins of training, and didn’t know how anything worked. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-voter-fraud-michigan-lawsuit_n_5fabef94c5b68707d1fb0166 https://twitter.com/nancykaffer/status/1328836317137022976
Holy smokes. Right-wing Michigan Facebook is wild! https://twitter.com/delwilber/status/1328860684352950278
Here’s a sampling of the insane Facebook content that Michigan right-wingers were consuming:
Here’s a GOP challenger bragging about how she purposefully walked through a crowd of Detroit elections workers without a mask out of spite. Her friend had a Trump mask on.
She also claims that “Antifa” was there, maybe. (Believe that’s the Michigan pronunciation. Michiganders also have a delightful pronunciation of “calendar,” for the record.)
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