Story time: I had Covid in April.


1) I had COVID
2) It was a bad experience with long lasting possibly permanent effects
3) You can be pro liberty and love your neighbor by respecting their space, it might even open a conversation next time

Let’s begin:
I was 3 years into becoming metabolically healthy but not there yet. No symptoms, no aches, no pains, no sinus issues, no fever. One day out of the blue I couldn’t breathe, and I had stomach issues and sharp pains in my lungs.
Within 3 days I couldn’t walk up my stairs without almost passing out. The tests were new and inconclusive and dang they hurt, but x-rays showed pneumonia. Dr. said they’re getting false positives and negatives and they’re basically worthless (at the time).
Long story short, it took 2 rounds of anti malaria drugs and inhalers to even put a dent in it. I thought I was going to die in my sleep. It felt like I was suffocating all day and night.
7 months later after recovering I’ve been diagnosed with Reactive Airway Disease, it’s triggered by random ingredients, certain chemicals in the air, and allergens. I’ve never had lung problems and I’ve been an athlete for most of life.
There is a real threat out there, though most survive, a lot of us have what seems to be permanent damage and long lasting issues. Just 2 months ago it was still debilitating.
My wife is pregnant, I want to keep her safe, my dad almost dies every year from health issues, I want to keep him safe. People have a legitimate reason to be worried about Covid especially if them or their loved ones are at risk.
I don’t believe it’s the governments place to mandate anything. I believe in personal responsibility based on the individuals risk assessment and tolerance and I will stand by that. Surprise, you can have nuanced opinions on something.
You can be pro liberty & love your neighbor. I try & open dialog with most people I run into regularly on my walks. I’m a 6ft powerlifter w/ tattoos a beard & wearing body armor. Being polite and respectful has opened up a lot of Gospel conversations for me at the gym or outside.
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