The idea that Trump has finally been vanquished politically, culturally, and on every other level & we can finally move on back into a glorious Obama-era managerial-class normal is just as insane now as it has been the last four years.

The "civic unrest" is just beginning.
The overly-swift jump into BIDEN WON (ANYTHING ELSE IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY) NOW WE WILL BUILD BACK BETTER & MAKE RESETS GREAT AGAIN FAST is a see-through psychological tell. Yrs of denialism & now a kind of rabid clinging to Biden win as faux-evidence their denial was correct.
BIDEN WON - NOW LET'S DO OBAMA THINGS AGAIN FAST FAST FAST QUICKLY NOW. Please. This denialism, as I've said for years, will only make the road even rockier than it has to be in the coming months and years.
Those of us who trying to see the landscape clearly need to stick together. Because the psychic breaks among American elites (in the broad, top 20% sense) that are going to continue to occur as the old institutions and ways melt down is only going to get worse.
The idea that this election is going to calm rather than heighten the deepening divide is so foolish I don't know where to start. The base is based. They know what time it is. We are living in an illusory slipstream between now and inauguration day. Don't let it fool you.
But by the time inauguration day rolls around, I don't think most people will be fooled. You can't paper over what is happening in America. That's why Trump won, of course, in the first place. But establishments on all sides still can't speak or see reality of landscape clearly.
And by these fruits shall you know them: the sooner we raise up a caste of leaders who can talk about the reality of the landscape without fear - whatever their disagreements re what to do about it - the sooner we can actually start to do something about it.
This will often end up being younger people and those without the usual credentials. At the helm of alternative structures built to protect from and take the place of the crumbling institutions we have now, as well as heading up takeovers and reform of some of the old ones.
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