Twitter and big tech are the enemy of freedom and democracy.

Its critical that more people understand this, because more and more people are getting sucked into the blind trust in everything they get from these monopolistic conveyers of information.
Its possible to get information that is not agreed on by Twitter, but many have been indoctrinated not to try, and it is constantly getting harder and harder. The boiling frog is almost done.

Set up a Parler account!
@jack is one of the most cold and calculated liars I have seen. One can only realize this when listening to MANY of his statements in interviews. He just says whatever he thinks will get him off the hook at that moment, but its all a show.
People would do well to listen to many instances of him speaking. And then consider that this person has more power to shape opinions worldwide than the president of the United States!

People who don't find that worrying are too far gone.

MSM are just big tech lap dogs. They are not the ones wielding the real power, they are just doing their master's bidding. They lost their power years ago. They are kept on for show, propped up by big tech.
You can follow @jonsaxon67.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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