Not just Iraq and Afghanistan its Somalia and other locations. The meeting in Dallas this week should leak to the media if they pull their heads out of their collective asses and start asking Donald about contractors and contracts to replace the troops.
This meeting was planned a while ago but some folks didn't bother going because they know Milley and crew are going to slow roll the fuck out of towhead and his revamped Reflex Response crew. They tried to launch this in London in June but got stalled. Somebody wants a war.
Is there anything wrong with contractors? No. They are an force multiplier not a proxy. Prince wants to play East India Company and triple dip his way to disaster. Also why the fuck was Saudi Arabia offering an all muslim fighting force via George Nader?
Right now, there is a battle between the men and women who swore an oath to uphold the constitution and those who are looking for a paycheck. Let's back the right side.
The optics of this are ridiculous. Its like Bing Crosby and White Christmas. We have 160K U.S. troops in 150+ nations and a navy, airfare and SF We have intel folks in embassies around the world. We have contractors worldwide. #ComeOnHomeGIJoe.
The simple answer is Israel, the UAE and KSA want a war with Iran. They can't fight it themselves so they have to drag us into it. If they can bookend Iran then they can put those shiny new jets and drones to work and let towhead channel the talent their way. #DickCheneyBoner
And a one and a two....
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