Without doubt, leading a school in a pandemic situation is a huge challenge mentally, physically and emotionally. The responsibility for lives let alone education is overwhelming.
Working in isolated bubbles and leading a remote existence is tough. Communication has become ever more challenging both inside school as well as with the community at large...
The strain on families is significant. After a period of relative calm the disclosures are beginning to come thick and fast...
So far this week...

Marriage splits
Online bullying
Online grooming
Peer on peer abuse
Mental breakdown

It is only Tuesday...
School... The place where people, thankfully, hopefully, turn to...

And we do what we can.
Albeit remotely
Or behind a mask
Incredible strain on a budget which will not balance.
Costs continue to spiral.
Still waiting for covid cost reimbursement from the FIRST round of application back in July.
The debilitating focus on the operational... Risk management... Rules... Regulations... Orders... Frustrations.
So, so boring and yet all so, so necessary.
But there has been joy too...

Delivering home-baked cupcakes, stickers and birthday cards to the children who are having lockdown birthdays...
Friday afternoons meetings with all teachers (wonderful TAs covering) and developing the most amazing geography curriculum... The buzz is palpable even though we are on screen (the gaming headsets help!)
Highest attendance ever... Yes really. Children bouncing in, so happy to be in school...

Parents thanking the team in each 'parents evening' phone call... Telling us how amazing the school is...
The office team bringing joy with home-baked treats... Sausage rolls, quiche, brownies this week... Keeping spirits up... (Heaven help waistlines)
The highest ever reading results in Y2 on Star Reading Test (NOT phonics... They are READERS not decoders... The phonics check results will tell a different story #wasteoftime)
So we keep going.
Keep it simple.
Don't sweat the small stuff.
Tell it as it is.
We've got this.

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