Hey folks, really sorry about this, but I might not stream after all. Just feeling really drained today, and not sure I'm up for it after all. I apologize it's at such short notice.

Instead, how about I shout out some indie games that you should check out? That might be nice.
Ghost of a Tale is a wonderful Redwall inspired stealth game. I got this way back when it was in early access, played it for a little and then always meant to come back to it after it got it's full release, but never did. Must fix that. Tilo is such an adorable protagonist.
Wintermoor Tactics Club is a very neat and accessible tactics game, I had bought this a while ago to support the devs, and while it's very good, I haven't played anywhere near enough to put it on my curator page. But no rule against me giving it the thumbs up after an hour here!
Well, there's actually nothing stopping me recommending something after only an hour on my curator page either, I just prefer to make sure I've spent a good bit of time with a game before giving it a thumbs up. I like to be confident in what I recommend.
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