Why the fuck has #Newsnight put JVL up. They speak for no one other than a tiny group of elderly Trots. Just fucking controversialism. Everything that is wrong with TV journalism, @esmewren @nicholaswatt
Now Kirsty Wark is telling her that she speaks for only a tiny sliver of opinion. So why the fuck is she on the set?
Just spouting lies. EHRC does *not* validate the Chakrabarti report. Uncorrected by Wark.
Newsnight would not *dare* put a black UKIP member up to discuss other forms of racism. But this is somehow fucking okay?
Shameful, #Newsnight
Educate yourselves before you cover this story, @bbcnewsnight. https://twitter.com/adamlangleben/status/1328838375172960259
[years of doing top-tier media relations and I've barely ever sworn at any journalists but this stuff is important and getting it right *matters*]
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