2/6 @JustinTrudeau is especially well-placed to be a strong voice at the summit to challenge Saudi Arabia over its staggering rights abuses. Not only because of the depth & breadth of repression in Saudi Arabia, but also since these abuses have come to Ottawa’s doorstep.
5/6 Turning a blind eye at the #G20 to the cont'd lack of transparency and accountability for Khashoggi’s murder would also fly in the face of Canada’s efforts to promote media freedom around the world incl at a global conference #Canada hosted this week. https://www.international.gc.ca/campaign-campagne/media_freedom-liberte_presse-2020/index.aspx?lang=eng
6/6 @JustinTrudeau should use the #G20 as a platform to call for the release of all Saudis languishing in prison merely for exercising their rights incl @raif_badawi & @LoujainHathloul, both of whom have strong ties to Canada. They deserve nothing less. https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/11/09/g20-hold-saudi-arabia-accountable-abuses
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