PA Supreme Court rules 5-2 that not allowing election observers to observe the election doesn't violate Pennsylvania election laws.
But 3 of those 5: Donohue, Dogherty & Wecht were all elected in 2015 while Dems were stuffing ballot boxes in Philly.
This isn't conjecture, election judge Domenick J. Demuro plead guilty to stuffing ballot boxes with votes for cash & then adjusting voting records to account for the extra votes in 2014, 2015 & 2016 for Democrats in judicial races. #ButNothingsHappening
Why are Philly election turn outs so high?

Because the election judges vote for the people who don't turn out to vote.
How do we know it is more than just one election judge?
Because DOJ indicted former Democratic Congressman Ozzie Myers in July 2020 for paying multiple election judges to stuff the ballot boxes for his judicial candidate friends.
I suspect that many of the suspects were still working as election judges on November 3rd while the FBI monitored their activities!
This isn't the only active criminal investigation into Philly election rigging either. A Philly area consultant & lobbyist plead guilty to bribing a Democratic Congressional candidate to drop out of the primary to rig the election for his opponent.
But soon after this election rigging, another lobbyist from Arkansas tried to put out a mob style hit on D. A. Jones the Philly consultant. Yep they tried to Arkancide the person who rigged the election after he plead guilty
But the suspects were already under FBI surveillance in 2017 & the plot was defused. Jones had admitted to making illegal donations to 5 Democratic Members of Congress for a company represented by the Arkansas lobbyist Cranford that tried to kill him.
So who was Jones working with in election rigging to stay in office? Democratic Congressman Bob Brady who ran the Philly Democratic Party for 30 years!
So what was Brady's assignment in Congress?

He was the ranking Democrat on the House Committee that oversees federal elections & administration of the House of Representatives!
And don't forget, the FBI started rolling them up in 2017 and continued through 2020. They even arrested the brother of PA Supreme Court Justice Kevin Dougherty on a 116 count indictment in 2019. Including embezzling union funds to pay for work at the Justice's house!
The most recent raid on the Justice's bother IBEW's John Dougherty was on 10/19/20, but the first raids started in 2016!
Those elections for Supreme Court Justice were very contentious.
Governor Wolf had nominated 2 appointees to the court. Both were taken out of contention due to oppo research attacks & a 3rd justice was also booted from the court over corruption issues.
With the PA Swamp stopping Wolf's ablility to fill the seats (he is not part of the Philly machine) they went to elections in 2015 to fill the seats.

These elections were the ones rigged by Ozzie Myer's ring of corrupt Philly election judges.
So what did corrupt union leader John Dougherty's judges set about doing? Usurping the power of the Pennsylvania legislature over elections.
They declared the PA US Congress districts to be unconstitutional, then rewrote their own map to favor the Dems.
Yes, not just ruled against the legislature, but then stole the legislatures powers & drew a map that cost Republican's 9 seats in Congress in the 2018 election!

That's how you rig an election!
This is also the same PA Supreme Court that approved extending the 2020 mail in ballot deadline by 3 days until the US Supreme Court intervened & denied them the authority based on the fact that the authority belongs to the state legislature.
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