How a suicide and self-immolation of a Muslim girl is being spun as a case of murder by a Hindu boy in Bihar

if you don't want to read further here's the tl;dr version

Gulnaz Khatoon loved Sanjay Yadav but her family fixed her marriage with some Muslim so she set herself on fire . Because her family was around her in the video she was forced to hide the truth to protect honor
A local activist Kiran Yadav @kiranyadavspeaks who was in fact the first one to raise this way back on Nov 3 and has closely helped the family, including paying medical expenses and moving her to hospital in Patna ...

in a video uploaded on Nov 15 right after the tragic death of Gulnaz told that she had realized that the story she was being fed was false and that it was a case of SUICIDE and self-immolation but she kept it hidden

She also told that political goons and vultures
have surrounded the family and want to turn this into a communal issue. Which is exactly what happened as the body was taken on the road and suddenly out of nowhere you see a campaign for 'Justice'

These goons also attacked her and lynch her husband.
One of the person named by @kiranyadavspeak as attacking her is local Muslim journalist called Gauhar Aziz who himself had praised Kiran Yadav for helping the family but when she realized that it was a case of suicide and honor and not murder he attacked her
She has challenged journalists to go visit the hospital and verify all the facts and that if she is proven wrong she should be hung

Social Media is being used by political elements to turn this tragic love story into another Hathras without investigation
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