some actual writing tips:
don't immediately get caught up in the details. if you have an idea, just get the words down. it's okay to write out of sequence, it's okay to make typos, it's okay to have run-on sentences and sloppy syntax because you can edit that stuff afterwards
having a basic outline of the major plot points you want to hit goes a long way, but do not feel obligated to stick rigidly to it. it's there to guide you and make sure you don't forget key points you want to convey. deviation is great and can help segue things much easier
write the story you want to tell. it's okay to explore themes that are dark, questionable, and not what you condone or support in real life. writing is about telling a story, and the human condition is rife with imperfections to explore
don't worry about what story other people want you to tell. ultimately, the writing you do should come from your own feelings and ideas. fiction is absolutely limitless, so you SHOULD go wild in trying all sorts of concepts, settings and dynamics
read. read a lot of fiction. read modern fiction. read classic fiction. read the all-time greats. read stuff for kids, for intellectuals. read all kinds of genres, it'll help improve your own prose and help you find your own style
don't be afraid to look words up. don't be afraid to pull open a thesaurus and go "what's another word for [x]?" see how those words are used in contact. expanding your vocabulary has many uses anyway
don't be afraid to write up your own glossary to keep details straight for your characters, the story's world and mechanics. things like magic, technology, politics; keeping all of that organized can help you to keep details and timelines straight
(which, in turn, can help you avoid plotholes or skipping out on important details you want to convey).
the most important tip though: have fun. be self-indulgent. laugh at yourself when you write three words and then don't touch your doc for three months. enjoy what you're doing, bc ultimately... you should be pleasing yourself above all else when you create!
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