I’m against student debt cancellation, but Republicans have to stop casting student debtors as “irresponsible.” There’s still a great many jobs we need in society that *do* require degrees. The system we have makes those degrees too costly. *That* should be the focus. https://twitter.com/tedfrank/status/1328679065453293570
There’s also a big generational disconnect on perceptions of student debt. It is virtually impossible - *today* - to simply work a part-time job that pays full-time tuition as you go without student loans. 30 years ago? Sure. That’s not what we have now.
Too many Republicans are making the same mistake on college affordability/student loan debt that we made for too long on healthcare issues. Yes - personal responsibility needs to be *part* of the discussion. But ignoring cost issues entirely just cedes the field to the Left.
The federal government makes twice as much money off my student loans as my bank does on my *house*. Leave the principal balance alone - I borrowed it. But Uncle Sam should take less of a rake. Let’s start there when it comes to student loan debt discussions.
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