No idea how Bunty knew in 1987 what a massive pile of caca this year would be #BuntyAnnual #BuntyKnew
We are all Jean and Jane #BuntyKnew
Oh, okay. Like, how?
Yeah, you're right, it was kinda like that.
Massive sciencing going on. But this was written in 1987. No one listened.
Hand down, Jane. Someone forgot to create a vaccine or do any proper research. Anyway, we've built a force field around us so just be happy in your natty space age vest suit.
To be fair, in Bunty's world, 1987 was already terrifying #BuntyKnew
Oh, it's nothing, just a melting torso
Non essential shops may be closed but there's a solution
Chocks away, lads!
There is ALWAYS a story behind the old dolls' house, Tammy.
My 9yr old daughter now calling for recognition that she "discovered" this annual 🙄 She also feels I missed two pertinent images: 1. The virus came from space #BuntyKnew
2. Granpa's memory of a real Christmas
Folks, I know you want to know how things turned out for Jane, Jean, their very wise yet also attractive school teacher with on trend hair, and granpa. But mainly the teacher.
It's not the easiest to summarise but essentially the girls dig underneath a nuclear force field, purely motivated by "saving Christmas"...😑
They enter the world outside the silver curtain and find it overrun by wild animals, strange giant plants called trees, and apples. Then Jane decides to "tame a wild horse" for the sheer moxie of it. Sensible yet steadfast old Jean is not so sure.
Meanwhile: granpa has turned his hand to fulltime silver curtain twitching #BuntyKnew
The girls return home on their majestic white mare and, soon after, the curtain comes down. Everything will return to the agrarian paradise we all remember and cherish! #2020 #BuntyKnew
So, this went a wee bit further than I'd expected. I'd recommend you check out Girls Comics of Yesterday. They identify the artist for The Lost World as Andy Tew: #BuntyKnew
Generally, the art work was created by men and the stories for girls magazines by women (or men). I don't know who wrote the story for The Lost World. This interview with DCT writer Maureen Hartley gives some clues as to why that might be
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