It struck me this evening just how viciously cruel the BBC is to be continuing to exaggerate the threat and perpetuate the fear around the virus. The absence of even handed reporting is a national scandal.

It hit home because of my 90yo Mum & Dad.
They are still here four weeks after Mum’s hip op. They are really thriving again having spent 7 months isolated. Mum previously barely able to walk, sight failing but doing the Ocado orders and the Instagram exchanges on her iPad. Dad frail but doing the cooking and the...
caring day in day out - my and my brother’s regular visits never really relieving the pressure on them.

The convalescence has been as much for Dad as Mum.

I’ve set them up in the front room with two armchairs close to the TV so they can relax and watch a full offering of...
daily TV - their favourite is Countdown.

Earlier this evening, just before dinner I took them both their pre-prandial - a glass of Croft Original. I’ve even taken to the nightly sherry ritual now (never normally drink during the week but it’s now rude not to).
And in doing so I got exposed to the damned 6 o’clock BBC News. I NEVER watch BBC news now. Not since c2016. But there it was, spewing out fear, keeping the nation at fever pitch in terror.

Sharp though Mum and Dad are, they still regard the BBC as gospel. Why shouldn’t they?
After all it’s our independent State broadcaster!

Well it’s ok for the red pilled among us to scoff. But my Mum and Dad represent the trusting majority of people who tune in to the BBC for the ‘official’ and ‘dependable’ take on events.

This is why the BBC is so malign.
And so, let’s not only ban the licence fee, but take back full control. The governors, the senior management, the blatantly politically biased Maitlis, Lineker et al) & all the overpaid ‘stars’ - fired.

And return it to a stripped down public broadcasting service.

Here’s mum showing off her new hip shortly after returning from hospital. With Dad looking on.

I appreciate this is a pretty routine op but it’s a miracle. Mum could barely walk beforehand. Dad had one a few years ago.

It took years fir us to persuade mum to have it.
She was terrified that a general anaesthetic would trigger dementia (both her mum and sister destroyed by it). Mum is very bright and still very sharp.

Solution? Epidural!

Just in case you or anyone you know needs encouragement - particularly for elderly.
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