1. When Tony saves Peter from drowning, Peter says “I had that, I was fine”
2. When finding out how many web combinations he has, Peter says “Mr. Stark really overdid it”
3. Peter doesn’t want Tony tracking him or putting on a “Training Wheels Protocol” because it’s “not cool”
4. When the Ferry rips apart Peter is willing to die trying to save others. He never tries to call Tony
5. He declines Tony’s offer to be an Avenger
6. He goes on the space ship in Infinity War because “You can’t be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man if there’s no neighborhood” not because of “Mr.Stark I gotta save him”
7. Peter doesn’t want to be the next Iron Man in Far From Home
8. Happy says “You’re not Iron Man” and that he’s never gonna be
9. Peter makes the suit with less tech than his Stark suit and makes it to suit his needs
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