1. Old losses + stuff missed. First a damaged Azeri T-72 Aslan #371 h/t @panzerQQ via @oryxspioenkop. Note distinctive large boxes on its rear + the atmospheric sensor on the left rear of turret (thicker than a wind sensor on a T-72BA/B3). Joint GPS/Comet IMU rail appears missing
2. Also thanks to @panzerQQ for pics of captured/destroyed Armenian equipment:
Pic 1) K-19 100mm AA gun (believed to be already recored)
Pic 2) Ural-4320 truck
Pic 3) D1 152mm gun howitzer
Pic 4) KamAZ truck
3. Getty Images - captured NKR/Armenian trucks on an Azeri base in Barda, Azerbaijan 21/10:
1) ZiL-131 with Azeri colour schemed truck in background
2) GAZ-3308
3+4) Damaged KamAZ-5511 dump-truck with same GAZ behind it.
Other trucks in background of pics unclear if captured.
4. At same base: one captured NKR/Armenian truck (possible URAL unclear version) plated '6L-161' + various small arms/support weapons which we do not record. They include a SPG-9 recoilless rifle, + AFAIK 2x Zastava M93 Black Arrow ? + 2x HMGs ? (NSV or Kord someone can clarify?)
5. RUPTLY also on the Fuzuli trip 18/11 show a damaged Azeri T-72 Aslan #355 recovered by a BREM-1 (possibly something behind it). Also a MT-LB with a Zastava M55 AA gun. Unclear if Azeris (note sand colours) originally run these or this captured from NKR.
6. 6. Another pic of damaged Azeri T-72 Aslan #355 recovered by a BREM-1 from Meydan TV https://d9mc3ts4czbpr.cloudfront.net/az/article/oldurulmus-seher-fuzuli/?ref=list-news. Again the Joint GPS/Comet IMU rail appears missing - possibly a T-72AV brought to Aslan standard? Same MT-LB with Zastava M55 AA gun and a further MT-LB in background.
7. Just because they're great pics, 2 more closer views of this damaged Azeri T-72 Aslan recovered by a BREM-1. You get a good view of 2 distinguishing features of an Aslan. 1st the large boxes added to rear - AFAIK holds an auxiliary power unit. 2nd atmospheric sensor on turret.
8. Described as captured equipment going to Baku. Will put these under 'Old losses + stuff missed' but it is likely we counted these already - probably both 2S1s + D-20s without gunshield + no tyre from 05/11. All in all: 2x D20s, 2x 2S1, 2x T-72s, 4x BMPs + 1 MT-LB with M55 gun.
9. More and better resolution pics are now available of the same train. They show an additional T-72 and possibly the barrel of another at this end of pic 1, plus an additional D-20 and D-30 towed howitzer in pic 3 (these probably also from the 05/11 film) https://t.me/military_az/1684
10. Damm this train just keeps getting longer. The barrel at the end of pic 1 (tweet 9) is indeed another T-72 + there is a BTS recovery vehicle (presumably a BTS-4 we already counted) and 4 more D-20 guns behind that. I guess we wait for the presentation in Baku for a full count
11. A damaged NKR/AR BMP-2 numbered 434 + 4 captured Ural trucks pictured in Shusha h/t @khalfaguliyev. Note #434's sister vehicle (so in same platoon) was also filmed by ANNA fighting on the Shusha - Lacin road on approx 5 or 6 Nov. Number censored in film but not in ANNA pic.
12. Two captured NKR 2S1 Gvozdika 122mm SP howitzers. Checked - neither is the same as the 2 captured on 05/11. A 3rd unknown vehicle is beyond + 2 BMPs in background but from which side unclear. 2S1 has NKR cammo scheme but newly painted AZ ID lines. h/t @khalfaguliyev + @0nLyFM
13 As described - seems at least 2 Azeri vehicles were set on fire in this battle, whilst an NKR T-72 shown earlier in the 2nd video in this chain is also burning at 2:32 in this last video. Any translation/summary whats said in the videos is appreciated.
14. Pics of more captured/damaged Azeri/NKR soft-skins:
1) a UAZ-452 military ambulance h/t @panzerQQ
2) GAZ-3308
3) URAL-4320 both from @khalfaguliyev
4) ZiL-131
All appear new although for the GAZ there are a few on our list that are too unclear/obscured to be 100% certain.
15. More old losses + stuff missed. NKR/AR losses came in last week h/t @panzerQQ. Tanks still have to be checked against other losses but rest are added to the list.
1+2) destroyed T-72 B + T-72A
3) Captured KamAZ
4) destroyed UAZ-469 + UAZ-4320 + captured D-30 howitzer behind.
16. The location of the 4th pic is here https://goo.gl/maps/jo3khLSfYYNd4ggbA on the Azeri army's initial axis of advance north towards Lacin. The vehicles + D-30 are in front/next to the road sign marked by the red arrow in 4th slide. Thanks to
@azyakancokkacan for the slides + geolocation.
There is a grainy video of same location with another vehicle in the background we can not ID pic1. Also at separate location in film is a destroyed ZiL 131 + approx 7 other unidentified vehicles. If anyone has better film/pics of either place please send.
18. Theory - maybe same convoy under TB2 strikes late Sept in these 2 videos. (0:37)+ Road + vehicle alignment generally match + with 1 truck briefly seen in vid to have moved off road (red). Many grads litter ground in both films.
19. Another lost Azeri T-72 Aslan comes to light, this with a KMT-6 anti-mine plow. Looking at its left side in 2nd pic it does appear as an AT mine strike. Note distinctive atmospheric sensor on turret + double white identification lines on front of plow https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1332030520432193544
20. Some more old losses + stuff missed these via @khalfaguliyev
Pic 1) T-72B or AV. Unclear but probably #275 + a triangle before it (NKR/AR numbering)
P 2+3) from 2 videos of apparently same destroyed T-72 Camouflage on barrel suggest NKR/Armenian
Pic 4) A damaged NKR URAL-4320
21. From same source as pic 4 tweet 20 https://www.facebook.com/qazaxlilara/photos/?ref=page_internal P1+2 Destroyed NKR BMP-2 not on our list. See subsequent tweet for NKR camouflage.
P4) D-44 85mm divisional gun. Scene suggests abandoned/captured but colour suggests Azeri. Add comment if you have more info
22. The BMP-2 in tweet 21 pics 1+2 can be confirmed as NKR/Armenian by the camouflage pattern seen in this front view. Other pics in the source for tweet 21 put this on the Fuzuli axis. I'm interested in a geolocation as I suspect other wrecks are nearby. https://twitter.com/Mukhtarr_MD/status/1332025714657423367
23. Seems like captured NKR/Armenian BMP-2 #434 (in tweet 11, already recorded on our list) will not be going to the Baku ball - remains in Shusha for now.
24. From an Armenian VK site via @PlCART
Destroyed truck, IMO an Azeri ammo carrier. They state its a MAZ but I can not confirm. Definitely not MAZ 537.
Destroyed Azeri BTR-82A IMO its new as different from 2 we already have in pic 3 (pic Lost armour). If so 4th loss of this IFV
25. Old losses + stuff missed continued, some NKR/Armenian artillery losses via @Attila12212:
Pic 1 first captured 2A36 Giatsint-B 152mm towed gun we have recorded. Note distinctive double axle + recoil cylinders above the barrel.
Pic 2 A captured D20 152mm towed gun howitzer.
26. Apparent new captures of D20 152mm howitzers via @panzerQQ. Note we have so many D20 with grainy pics duplication is possible.
1) Same D20 as in tweet 25, behind it a 2nd with lost right tyre
2) different D20 also with lost right tyre
3+4) 2x D20 - lost tyres + shield damage.
27. Apparent new captures of NKR/AR D30 122mm towed howitzers. Again we recorded so many D30 with grainy pics some duplication is possible.
1) Note shrapnel damage to top and tyre via @panzerQQ
2) via @ramalsalmanzadh
3 + 4) in similar dug-outs, last is damaged via @Mukhtarr_MD
28. Remembering your war! Azeri troops resting in a ditch by an upturned NKR T-72B. This could become an iconic image from the conflict - reminds me of similar in black + white from WW2 Eastern Front or Western Desert. h/t @HilalMasmaly @oryxspioenkop @Rebel44CZ @COIN_V2 @RALee85
29. First captured Azeri IMR-1 we have recorded, probably from early in war. We earlier recorded another as damaged but believe this is different as has no scorch marks on the crane. Note wheel spacing - it has T-54/55 base as opposed to IMR-2's T-72 base. https://twitter.com/TheDeadDistrict/status/1335131748691275777
30. Good thread with AFV losses. @panzerQQ great source for such pics. Will retweet individually + add a note or 2. Here 2x T-72B, T-72A (already listed) + BMP-2 (definite new loss). Thanks others who also sent some of these in - was not on line to process https://twitter.com/panzerQQ/status/1335676229597401100
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