Characters I think “stole the show” in each Star Wars film, a thread:
TPM: Qui-Gon Jinn, Qui-Gon really starred in this film. It was the first example of a Master Jedi in the Age of the Republic that we saw and his character did not disappoint. One of the best Jedi we have seen in canon and a great example of a true Jedi. Great performance.
AOTC: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ewan McGregor’s portrayal of Obi-Wan was one of my favourite’s in all of Star Wars, and in this film he really performed. Ewan took to this role incredibly and shined a lot in this movie. He did a great job portraying a young Obi-Wan.
ROTS: Anakin Skywalker, this is my personal favourite performance in the entire saga. Hayden Christensen perfectly portrays the emotions and feelings Anakin is going through in this movie. Hayden really stole the show in this movie. Everything about his performance was great.
Solo: Qi’ra, Emilia Clarke did a great job with her portrayal of Qi’ra’s role. The character was really amazing and stole the show in my opinion. I really want more of her because I love the potential story she could have.
Rogue One: Jyn Erso, this was close for me but I think Jyn takes it here. Her character was played so well by Felicity Jones and you really sympathise with the character throughout the movie. Her character is complex and well written which helps to the portrayal of her character.
ANH: Leia Organa, Carrie Fisher was incredible in A New Hope. She is incredibly brave as she instantly stands up to Vader, she takes charge and leads when Luke and Han come to save her and overall was just badass. She was outstanding.
ESB: Darth Vader, Vader is the star of this movie. He is incredibly menacing and the perfect villain. He attacks the rebel base on Hoth, sends a Bounty Hunter after the crew, tortures Han Solo and battles Luke Skywalker and reveals he is his father. An elite performance.
ROTJ: Luke Skywalker, Luke SHINES in this movie. Mark Hamill’s portrayal of a more mature Jedi Knight was amazing. Luke shows how much his character has developed and how he is better as a person and a Jedi now. He also is part of the throne room scene which is S tier Star Wars.
TFA: Finn, John Boyega’s performance in TFA was sensational. He was the most interesting character in the movie and really shined from start to finish. He was great and so were the plot points established for his character. Had potential to be the best character in the trilogy.
TLJ: Kylo Ren, Adam Driver’s performance as Kylo Ren/Ben Solo was nothing short of sensational. He was the best character of the trilogy and really stole the show in this movie. We see the constant conflict Kylo/Ben goes through and Adam does a great job portraying it.
TROS: Rey Skywalker, Daisy Ridley’s performance in TROS was amazing. This film really allows her to shine. We see the emotional journey Rey has gone on and it really pays off for her. Everything on Exegol was really sensational and Rey SHINES. Amazing performance.
End of thread, please share your opinions on my thread and let me know which ones you think I got wrong❤️
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