Rove: $ security makes voters Republican, but education makes even the wealthy vote Democrat.

Which... is accurate. I've long asserted "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous" did as much harm as Reaganism: Wealth as religion. Wealth as ethics. 1 Tim. 6:10:
Have you ever wondered why Trump adores One America News Network? And why OANN loves Trump? And what the hell OANN even IS, anyway? That Rove quote explains it.
OANN is owned by Robert Herring, the 79-year-old son of Louisiana sharecroppers, who dropped out of high school, opened a chain of pet shops, and ultimately made millions printing circuit boards at the start of the tech revolution.
Which: he's literally a self-made millionaire. And good for him! But also? He's uneducated. Remember Rove's comment about wealth without education being what makes Republicans.
How'd Herring get into political broadcasting, you ask?

By starting "Wealth TV" after he became rich -- basically, an entire network of "Lifestyles of the Rich & Famous," plus boxing (cf. Trump's love of wrestling).

Tells you something about what drives Herring, doesn't it?
Wealth TV started airing Herring's personal political diatribes (he offered Terri Schiavo's husband $1 million not to take her off life support), + eventually he peeled off OANN so he could pontificate full time.

OANN REMAINS "Wealth TV": a gimmick selling an aspirational feeling of superiority (cf. racism) as a drug to people who care more about financing a new ski boat that makes them appear superior than they do about paying for their kids' college...

... ie, Trumpers.
"Wealth TV" (including OANN and Trump himself) appeals to people whose faith lies in big trucks and motorboats and a false sense of superiority, not in education or science or neighbor or community (or, in any serious terms, God).

Just like Trump + his gold toilets.
Basically, both Trump and OANN have weaponized Rove's "[aspirational] wealth without education."

(Oh, and also? Herring has a Russian third wife. Ah, yes, Russia: where decades of godless communism succeeded in creating a culture of godless plutocracy.)

(OANN LOVES Russia.)
I'm not going anywhere w/ this except to suggest that Rove's "$ without education" is a helpful heuristic in understanding why the economically non-anxious support fascism. Why does the GOP underfund education? Why do middle-class GOPers support tax cuts for the 1%?
Remember Obama, in those leaked 2008 remarks about "clinging to guns and religion," expressing sincere empathy with those who are being left behind, and a desire to help them actually succeed?

Ha! What a dummy! What a loser!
Trump (+ Rove, + Herring) get it: they grok that many folks don't want empathy, or low tuition, or SBA loans; they want to FANTASIZE about WEALTH (ie, privilege).

They'd rather buy a lottery ticket than invest in a 401(k).

They'd rather sniff a steak than eat a hamburger.
It's foolish to try and sell MAGA/OANN viewers substance. They don't WANT substance!

They want Wealth TV.

OANN literally is Wealth TV. And Trump is Wealth TV. No wonder Trump's having a torrid affair with OANN while Fox sits alone at home wondering why he won't call.
And their viewers/Trump voters? This is the key to Trumpism and OANN and all other Wealth TV:

Just like @JerryFalwellJr and the other "cucks" they love to demean, they don't want the actual success that Dems offer; they're happy just to watch.
P S.: ^ @BryanDawsonUSA for sharing the original Rove quote, and "champagne wishes and caviar dreams" to @capeannsky and @HGTomato for passing it along.
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