It's official: I got tenure!

In gratitude and celebration, here is a thread of my favorite trees in Oxford:
First up, the ancient horse chestnut tree in Lamb and Flag Passage. Definitely inhabited by some kind of friendly spirit.
Next, two huge oaks in Shotover Park that toppled over together, created a creek where their roots used to be, and are still alive and growing years later
Some gnarly old beeches in @WythamWoods
An old oak in Shotover Park and a beech in Wytham Woods, both split down the middle but very happily growing anyway
A birch plantation near Bernwood Forest, shimmering in the wind on a summer day (sound on)
The fallen willow across the Cherwell at Music Meadow. Horizontal, but still going strong.
And more funky willows, this time at Aston's Eyot
A craggy old yew in University Parks
Not really a tree, but respect to the buddleja growing from the chimney of this abandoned pub
This amazing and confusing buttonball tree in Christchurch Meadow
Trees with some serious roots at Blenheim Palace...
Also at Blenheim Palace, some ancient oaks that may have seen better days but are still alive and kicking
This lime-lined bridleway near Shotover Park is like walking through an oil painting
Along that bridleway is this ancient chestnut tree, on its last legs but with its successor tree growing up beside it, and an almost entirely hollowed-out lime tree
And finally, a view of Oxford beyond the ancient oak at the top of South Park
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